God’s coverage

Published 1:32 pm Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought.

Guilford, Vermont, is a very picturesque little village. We drove around a little, admiring the beautiful scenery, the colorful flowers, and the awesome old homes, barns and other structures along the roadways.

The general store provided a place for us to stretch our legs a few minutes, admire the homemade jellies, jams, and candles on display near the small cafe in the corner. I was tempted to purchase a few of the chocolate chip cookies. The sign said “small” cookies $1.00, and “large” cookies $3.00. The only cookies I saw were at least as big around as a softball. So I asked the gentleman behind the counter if there were any of the small cookies left. He told me I was looking at them. The “large” cookies were in the case just below and were about as big around as my head!

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Leaving temptation behind, we crossed the highway and took the other main road up the hill and around several curves before arriving at this beautiful covered bridge. Just off to the right was a waterfall. Ladies in the front yard of the huge old home nearby were preparing for what we assumed to be a wedding reception or some such grand event. We walked over the bridge, admiring the structure itself but mostly the scenery all around it. God outdid Himself there.

And even with all the beauty of everything we saw while there, what I see most now from my picture is this. That bridge covered the old dirt road. It made a safe passageway for travelers to cross. It provided shade for our walk across it, and it allowed us some rest and respite from the heat of the day. It allowed us some time to reflect and enjoy the goodness of God. We were covered there.

You and I are probably not much different in our daily lives, circumstances, and responsibilities. We each need rest, refuge, and rejuvenation from the world around us. God provides the coverage we need. His loving arms can hold you tighter than any human hug you could imagine. And if you think His nature is beautiful, just think on How beautiful He and His loving care are. Yes, the world is tough. Yes, it may be a rough week. But, yes, also, He promises His children all the coverage we need.

Take advantage of His coverage this week. And invite someone else to experience it with you.

Just a thought.

’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.