Broken-hearted people

Published 3:34 pm Saturday, August 10, 2024

Troy Floyd was a true servant to his community and to God. My first and only interaction with him came at a political forum ahead of the 2023 election.

Floyd reminded everyone who was seeking office last year they “are coming across broken-hearted people who need to hear the love of God.”

He explained to me after the forum about how the Lord put on his heart to not give up on a man on the campaign trail. Floyd knocked several times on the door until a man came to the door. He told me he prayed for the man before going on his way.

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His experience led to his statement at the forum.

I didn’t know Floyd too well but I feel I know his character both by his words and his actions. He was a man who cared about the eternal destination of souls and was obedient to sharing the gospel.

It is sad a tragic event like this is a wake up call for a community. At the same time, Lincoln County could not have been more united than yesterday afternoon. Residents turned to prayer and reverence.

Floyd told The Daily Leader last year he always wanted to serve and felt a higher calling. His career in law enforcement spanning 20 years is a testament to that.

He also told The Daily Leader, “I believe that I must serve the citizens of Lincoln County and that if I keep faith and servitude in front, that I can ultimately bring good favor upon us all. Do I believe that evil will take flight? No. Evil always tries to destroy good.”

He then quoted 1 John 4:4 — “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”

I do not know why good men like Floyd and officer White, Moak or Durr were taken from our community too soon. I trust God’s plan and I pray those who are hurting find the same peace and joy Floyd knew through Christ Jesus our Savior.

Hunter Cloud can be reached at