New Lincoln County West Nile Virus samples test positive

Published 7:00 am Thursday, August 1, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — Mississippi Department of Health reported a mosquito sample in Lincoln County came back positive for West Nile Virus Monday. It is important to note the figure is not a positive case of West Nile in humans.

One Rankin County resident has a positive case of West Nile Virus the MSDH reports and another resident of Harrison County tested positive for the disease.

Statewide there are 71 positive samples from mosquitos with 49 of them in Harrison County. Lincoln County has three new positive samples bringing the county total for 2024 to five.

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Samples are taken from trapped mosquitos in counties where higher West Nile Virus cases have occurred in the past few years. The samples are tested in a lab. WNV positive mosquitos indicate the disease is circulating in the state. All residents should take precautions.

Residents can protect themselves with recommended mosquito repellant, covering arms and legs with long sleeves and pants, avoid mosquito prone areas at mornings and evenings when mosquitos are most active and remove standing water from around your home. Preventive practices may be wise following the rain Lincoln County received last week.

Vector Disease Control International works in Brookhaven to keep residents safe by trapping and testing mosquitos for West Nile, spraying and other treatments.