Try zooming in

Published 3:02 pm Sunday, July 28, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought.

Those of you who read these for the photos may be slightly disappointed in this one. But let me explain. Although the picture makes it somewhat difficult to discern what city it is, I know because I took the photo. It belongs to me, I have studied it, and I remember having been there. It’s a fascinating place. Trust me.

I snapped several pictures, actually, as youngest daughter and I rode in our Amtrak seats, having just left Penn Station following a full day of walking in New York City. The train rattled along, and we took advantage of those first few minutes to take in the horizon, trying our best to pinpoint familiar landmarks. I’ve numbered two of them for you in the picture.

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Way to the back of the photo are Number 1, on the left, and Number 2, on the right. The building I’ve labeled as Number 1 is the newest World Trade Center. It was amazing to see. The 9/11 Memorials are also a breath-taking experience. If you walk the three miles in distance toward what I have labeled as Number 2, you will arrive at the Empire State Building, also an impressive place to see and visit. Oddly enough, driving around the streets of the city brings the distance between the two places to nearly six and a half miles.

Those two very tall buildings look incredibly tiny in the photo. You must zoom in, look closely, and study the picture in order to identify those landmarks.

I wonder how many times we tote our Bibles around, leave them laying on a nearby table, thumb through the pages for a daily devotional time, and even read or perhaps memorize a verse or two, and yet we never really zoom in and study what’s deep inside.

It is an impossible task to take in everything in New York City in one day, but we crammed in as much as we possibly could, even snapping these photos as the Big Apple disappeared from our sight.  

As you travel through the Scriptures this week, whether in your private study time or in corporate worship or group Bible study discussion, take the time to really look into the Word. Very likely, there are some big things way down inside that you will miss if you simply scan over the verses. Zoom in, study it, visit those places in God’s Word, and take in as much as you possibly can.

Study, look, the answers to your questions and concerns are in there. Trust me.

Just a thought.

’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at