A great place to be

Published 11:00 am Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought.

When you hear mention of New York City, what comes to your mind? Do you think of nice din-ners, Broadway shows, and unlimited entertainment? Do you think of noise, taxi cabs with horns honking, and lots and lots of people all in a hurry to get somewhere? Do you think of the bright lights and excitement?

I snapped this picture on a brief visit to the Big Apple this summer. I believe it shows a little of the excitement of that city. Youngest daughter traveled with me by train from our point of origin in Connecticut for a full day of all that we could manage to see of New York City. She was excited to be experiencing this part of our trip. As a matter of fact, the New York visit was at her compelling request. We rode into Penn Station and hit the ground running. We walked all over the place. We hopped on and off the subway trains several times. We managed to find and see most of what we had hoped to see.

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What struck me the most, though, and had done me the same way on my only other previous visit to that city, was the incredible number of people. People everywhere — elbow to elbow, rushing, pushing, rapidly going somewhere, anywhere. It was a very busy place to be.

To contrast all of this, part of my Sunday this past weekend was spent at a camp house deep in the woods. Sitting on a hill, hidden from view of anything but the animals in their natural habitat, fac-ing a quiet pond, it was a very peaceful place to be.

I’ve often said that there’s a part of me that would be happy in either of two places like those I’ve just mentioned. I believe I’d be happy in an apartment in a big city, where I’m within walking dis-tance of anything and everything I could want. But there’s also a big part of me that would love to live way out in the woods somewhere, away from anything and everything, venturing back into town only when necessary.

As a Christian, I look forward to the eternity I will spend in Heaven with the Lord. It will be loud and noisy with praises and hymns and music. It will be filled with people who have been on amaz-ing journeys to get there. There will be feasts much better than the Nathan’s hotdog and fries we ate on a busy NYC sidewalk. But Heaven for me also means the quiet and peaceful solitude of sitting on the porch with Jesus, basking in His glory, feeling the gentle breeze, and watching the winds blow the waters just below us while the birds and windchimes sing their melodies together.

I guess what I’m saying is this — Where are you most at ease, most comfortable, and the most at peace? Your answer may be somewhere like New York City, or it may be somewhere like the backwoods of anywhere else. As long as you spend your time with Jesus, any place is a great place to be.

Take Him with you on your adventures this week. It makes the trip all-the-more glorious!

Just a thought.

’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.