Brookhaven Academy ready to kick off soccer season

Published 8:56 am Saturday, July 20, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — The MAIS Girls Soccer season kicks off for Brookhaven Academy next Tuesday against the Hattiesburg Forerunners. Senior Ava Calcote said it will be her final soccer season. 

Head Coach Alex Brown said Calcote is the team’s returning leader and captain. Calcote is an experienced defender who has played with the Cougars for four seasons now. Last year’s squad made it to the south state championship. 

Of the 16 contributing players from the 2023 season, 12 of them returned this year. Calcote said she is excited for her final year. 

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“I’ve played with Coach Alex for four years now. It has been fun to see how the others have grown,” Calcote said. “It is cool to see how the seeds he has sown have grown. I’ve gotten more technical with the ball and all the little stuff. I was captain last year and I enjoyed the leadership knowing they look up to you. It is something he entrusts me with. I hold it to a high standard.” 

A different squad

There is a chance this squad could be better than the previous season. Calcote said while they lost key seniors Regan Fortenberry, Mallory Martin, Ramsey Brown and Carmen Lambert, this team works well as a unit. 

Brown said the team has grown tremendously. A lot of the younger players got a ton of minutes and playoff experience the last two seasons. 

“I think some of the biggest factors of their growth the last 12 months has been working out a couple times a week with LaMarvin Ashley at KDMC, playing with my club team during the spring and also how much effort and how hard they have been working in training all summer,” Brown said. “The girls have been working their tails off for me.” 

Up front, freshman Camille Calcote will have to fill the shoes of Regan Fortenberry, a goal scoring machine. Ava said Camille may be a distant cousin. 

Kendra Quinn could fill the role of attacking midfielder that Mallory Martin had. Quinn transferred in from Bogue Chitto where she was one of the strongest players on the Bobcat squad. 

Brookhaven Academy may look a little different this year. Senior goalkeeper Ainsley Orr suffered a season ending ACL injury and will miss her final soccer season. Calcote said Elizabeth Durr, a seventh grader, has really stepped up into the starting goalkeeper role. 

“It is amazing to see how she has stepped up. She is doing such a great job,” Calcote said. “It will be different with how young she is but she has learned so much so quickly. She will do amazing.” 

Calcote is not alone on the backline. Her fellow senior defenders Matti Claire Smith and Chloe Nelson have played soccer together for a while. They have a special connection. Brown said the defenders along with Orr are all leaders for the team. 

“Chloe didn’t start playing soccer until she was a sophomore but she has grown so much as a player and also as a teammate,” Brown said. “Even though Ainsley is out for the season she’s still been coming to all of our practices and encouraging the young ones. I have a great group of seniors. They are all great players and they are great people as well. They definitely make Coach Brannon (Dickerson) and my job easier in helping lead the team.” 

“Last” first game

Practice began at the start of June and all of the hard work, physical training and drills will come to fruition next week. Tuesday’s game will kickoff at 5:30p.m. for junior varsity at 6:30p.m. for varsity. 

For Ava, it will be her “last” first game in her soccer career. She plans to go to Mississippi College and major in education or social work after graduation. 

“It is the beginning of the end for me and I’m a little sad but I know our team will step up to the best of our abilities. I’m excited and nervous that this is the end,” Ava said. “I feel the Lord has laid it on my heart to help kids in bad situations and let them know they are loved by somebody. I love it so much. I have a heart for kids. It is something the Lord is leading me to do.”