ATV drivers in City be warned

Published 1:15 pm Friday, June 28, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — Police Chief Kenny Collins said the use of off-road vehicles such as ATVs and dirt bikes has gotten out of hand in city limits. Officers will start to crack down on the illegal operation of these vehicles on city streets. 

Collins said elderly citizens complained to him about the noise and the dangerous operation of the vehicles. He added the drivers are usually juveniles not wearing any safety equipment. The off-road vehicles are tearing up other people’s private property and causing other issues. 

Brookhaven Police Department will not chase these off-road vehicles but they will use video and photographic evidence to identify any violators. 

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“Parents, I need your help. Your kids could be hurt if you allow them to fly down the roads on these ATVs,” Collins said. “I need the parents’ help. If we get them on camera and can identify the person we will impound the off-road vehicle and cite the parent for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”