Supervisors hold on Civic Center cameras

Published 1:00 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — Lincoln County Board of Supervisors decided to hold off on taking action with the purchase of security cameras for the Civic Center Wednesday. The issue came up in a regularly scheduled docket meeting. 

Supervisors began the Civic Center security cameras discussion by asking Lincoln County Administrator Daniel Calcote if they had the money to do so. Calcote explained they had some money set aside for buildings and grounds and the camera system could be paid for. 

Last week, Calcote explained there were two bids the Civic Center received for a given coverage area from companies. Neither plan was the same but it was for the same coverage area. 

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Ole Brook Fire and Security submitted a low bid of $45,352.39 with 73 cameras. TCSWare submitted a bid of $57,836 for 30 cameras. District 5 Supervisor Doug Falvey motioned the board would go with Ole Brook Fire and Security when District 2 Supervisor Keith Lewis and District 3 Supervisor John David Hart pumped the brakes. 

Lewis said he wanted to be sure about the cameras and what would be the truly best system for the Civic Center. TCSWare offered cameras with tag readers while Ole Brook did not. 

Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency Director Chris Reid said he sent a contact for another security company to Civic Center director Chaston Bullock last week. Supervisors decided to wait until Monday when Bullock could talk more about what the Civic Center needs. 

“I want to get the best for the center,” Lewis said. 

District 4 Supervisor Eli Ferguson agreed. 

“We want to make it the best we can get,” Ferguson said. He suggested the supervisors could ask Ole Brook if they could add a tag reader as well.