Be an encourager

Published 11:50 am Sunday, June 16, 2024

Most people think of the Dead Poets Society when they hear the words carpe diem, seize the day. When I hear those words, I think of my dad and the words he told me as I got out of his vehicle for school as a kid.

He has always had a knack for picking people up and pouring into them. 

It takes one interaction or a smile to make a positive difference in someone’s day. As Christians, we are called to let our light shine, be salt of the earth and to love our neighbors. My dad has always been a great example of what it means to love others as Christ does. 

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From watching my dad, I believe we all have the ability to encourage others, to cheer them on as they run their race in life. As a former cross country runner, the cheers from fans helped propel me forward. Positive, kind words make a difference even if it seems small to the one who gives encouragement. 

The best thing about encouragement is it is a free gift you can give to others. I believe it can be helpful in pointing others towards God as well. We love others because God first loved us. If we let our light shine in our walk then we can make an eternal positive difference too. 

In a world where so many people would rather tear down others than be the outlier, be an encourager. 

When I first moved to my dad’s hometown of Brookhaven I wrote about Conway Twitty’s song “That’s My Job,” which is about a father and son. I hope you can take this line of encouragement from that song.

“Every person carves his spot and fills the hole with light and I pray someday I might, light as bright as he.”