Meet your candidates: Coroner — Bessonette and Honea

Published 7:55 pm Sunday, April 30, 2023

Each Lincoln County candidate who will appear on the Aug. 8 Primary Election ballot has been contacted by The Daily Leader and asked to reply to a questionnaire.

The same set of questions was sent to each candidate, even those who are running unopposed.

The responses are offered in no particular order, and no candidate had the opportunity to see any other candidate’s answers prior to submitting their own. No edits were made for content.

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Each week, we will present responses from two candidates, along with reminders of who their opponents are.

This week we present the responses from two of the four candidates for Lincoln County Coroner. Incumbent Coroner Clay McMorris is retiring at the completion of the current term.

Three Republican candidates and one Independent are running for the office. In the General Election, Independent Sherry Bowman Bessonette will face the winner of the Republican Primary. Those candidates are Joseph “Little Joe” Honea III, James D. Martin and Blake William Wallace.

Previous articles can be found at

Responses from Bessonette and Honea are as follows:


Sherry Bowman Bessonette, Coroner

Bessonette lives in the Bogue Chitto/Enterprise community and is a registered nurse.


What is your assessment of the previous or current occupant of this office, and, if elected, would you keep it in the same direction or change course?

I respect and will continue with the professional dedication I have seen achieved in this office.


How would you address transparency and accountability of this office?

I plan to be immediately available for demand and responsibilities that comes as being Coroner. Building a strong relationship with law enforcement and assisting them with the cause, manner and time of death. I will keep families informed and involved with the investigations.


What are the most pressing issues in this office and how would you address them?

As a citizen of Lincoln County I am not aware of any pressing issues with the Coroner’s office. If any do arise during office I plan on utilizing all resources available when needed to overcome these issues.


How would your role in this office improve Brookhaven and Lincoln County?

Upon completion of the Mississippi Crime Laboratory and State Medical Examiner Death Investigation Training School combined with my expertise in the medical field I will be thorough with the investigating the circumstance of all deaths and filing death certificates with the State of MS in a timely manner.


What are your reasons for seeking this office and why should voters elect you?

During my 16 years as a RN I have worked closely with patients and family members. I am observant of the needs of families due their time of loss. Every person I care for is a family member or loved one to someone. Respect and compassion plays a big role and impact in the survivors’ lives. My goal as Coroner to be known for being Professional, Respectful, and Compassionate.


Please share any family, personal information you’d like to include. 

Daughter of Marley and Patricia Bowman. Married to Adam Bessonette for 22 years. We have 2 daughters, Addison and Aidan. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

Your vote and support will be greatly appreciated.



Joseph J. “Little Joe” Honea III, Coroner

Honea lives in the Loyd Star community and is a driver for Arrow Disposal Service.


What is your assessment of the previous or current occupant of this office, and, if elected, would you keep it in the same direction or change course?

Mr. McMorris has done an excellent job as coroner. I would keep going in the same direction. Families need compassion and understanding in their time of need.


How would you address transparency and accountability of this office?

At anytime I will be available to the community. I intend to get as much education and knowledge as I can get if elected.


What are the most pressing issues in this office and how would you address them?

When a loved one looses their life, no matter if it is expected or not, families need to know the cause of death and make sure their loved one has been cared for to the best of the coroner’s ability.


How would your role in this office improve Brookhaven and Lincoln County?

If elected I wouldn’t say it would improve the county, I want to be able to help families when they need it. They need time to process what is going on and to be shown compassion.


What are your reasons for seeking this office and why should voters elect you?

I feel like being the next coroner is what the Lord has called me to do. This county needs someone who will be compassionate, understanding, and who will treat their deceased loved one with dignity and respect. The deceased and family also need to have a level of confidentiality and discretion. If elected Coroner this is what I will do.


Please share any family, personal information you’d like to include. 

First and foremost God and my family comes first. I am a member of Philadelphia Baptist Church and I’m very family oriented. I have also been a member of Heucks Retreat Volunteer Fire Department as a firefighter and first responder from a very young age. I’m active within the community and also am a part of the Brookhaven Exchange Club.