Krewe of Ceres Charity Ball 2020 — Trainbearers
Published 6:45 pm Friday, January 31, 2020
The 2020 Krewe of Ceres Charity Ball is Feb. 22. Here are this year’s trainbearers.
Kenslie Suzanne Bairfield
Kenslie Suzanne Bairfield is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Bairfield. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hernbloom and Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Bairfield. She is a fifth grade student at Lipsey Middle School, an all A Honor Roll Student and a Mississippi Rising Scholar. She is active in tennis and gymnastics, and is going on her seventh year of dance. Bairfield loves spending time with family, friends, and animals of any kind. Kenslie attends First United Methodist Church.
James Redding Belk
James Redding Belk is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Nic Belk and Ms. Betsy Belk. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Belk and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boerner. He is a fifth grade student at Lipsey Middle school, honor roll student and is a Mississippi Rising Star. He is in the quest program at school. Belk enjoys art, tennis and playing catcher in Junior League baseball. He attends Faith Presbyterian Church. His grandfather, Bill Boerner served as Charity Ball King, his mother Betsy Boerner Belk served as Charity Ball Queen and his sister Violet served as a trainbearer.
Sophia Marlene Cupit
Sophia Marlene Cupit is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cupit. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Eva Case Cupit and the late Mr. Malcolm Truly Cupit, Sr. and the late Mr. and Mrs. James Garland Coldiron. Sophie is a fifth grade student. She is a member of the Home Educators of Southwest Mississippi where she is active in the Junior Beta Club, Drama Team and Sign Language Choir. Cupit was chosen to participate in the Home Educators of Southwest Mississippi Art Expo in March. She enjoys sketching, reading, traveling, taking care of her pets and playing tennis. She attends Johnson Grove Church of Christ and also enjoys being involved in GA’s, UPWARD Basketball and children’s choir at First Baptist Church Brookhaven. Her sister Anne Houston Craig served as a maid to the court and her sister Maggie Cupit-Link served as Charity Ball Queen.
Lillian Christine Cupit
Lillian Christine Cupit is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cupit. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Eva Case Cupit and the late Mr. Malcolm Truly Cupit, Sr. and the late Mr. and Mrs. James Garland Coldiron. Cupit is a fifth grade student. She is a member of the Home Educators of Southwest Mississippi where she is active in the Junior Beta Club, LEGO League, Drama Team and Sign Language Choir. Lilly and her sister, Sophie, recently created their own fundraiser which raised the funds needed to assist in supplying a necessary food source for a family at the James Place in Jinja, Uganda. She enjoys traveling, tennis, reading, singing and taking care of her pets. She attends Johnson Grove Church of Christ and also enjoys being involved in GA’s and children’s choir at First Baptist Church of Brookhaven. Her sister Anne Houston Craig served as a maid to the court and her sister Maggie Cupit-Link served as Charity Ball Queen.
Charles Alexander Estess
Charles Alexander Estess is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Estess. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Estess and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crabtree. He is a fifth grade student at Brookhaven Academy where he is an A student. He is the starting third baseman for the Mississippi Strikers Travel Baseball team and plays Brookhaven Academy basketball. He is a Royal Ambassador at church and loves listening to music. He attends First Baptist Church. His father, Clint Estess, served as an escort on the court.
Ian Knight Iles
Ian Knight Iles is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Iles. He is the grandson of Mrs. Teresa Sullivan and the late Mr. William W. Sullivan and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Iles. Iles is a fifth grade student at Lipsey Middle School, a Mississippi Rising Star and an A Honor roll student. He is in the Quest program and serves as secretary for Lipsey Student Council. Iles enjoys playing soccer. He attends First United Methodist Church.
Isaac William Iles
Isaac William Iles is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Iles. He is the grandson of Mrs. Teresa Sullivan and the late Mr. William W. Sullivan and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Iles. Isaac is a fifth grade student at Lipsey Middle School, a Mississippi Rising Star and an A Honor roll student. He is in the Quest program. Iles enjoys playing soccer and is on the Olympic Development Program of Mississippi. He attends First United Methodist Church.
Isabella Ann Iles
Isabella Ann Iles is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Iles. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Teresa Sullivan and the late Mr. William Sullivan and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Iles. She is a 5th grade student at Lipsey Middle School, a Mississippi Rising Star and an A Honor roll student. She serves as fifth grade representative for Lipsey Student Council. Iles enjoys playing soccer and drawing. She attends First United Methodist Church.
Cohen Lane Leggett
Cohen Lane Leggett is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chad Leggett. He is the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. George Leggett and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goff and Mr. and Mrs. John Lott. He is a fifth grader at Lipsey Middle School, an A Honor Roll Student, and Mississippi Rising Star Scholar. Leggett is also a member of the Quest program. He enjoys, baseball, tennis, hunting and fishing. Cohen attends Church of the Redeemer and serves as an usher.
Michael Eli Miller
Michael Eli Miller is the son of Dr. Eric Miller and Ms. Shannon Miller. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Miller and Mr. Michael Mayo and the late Mrs. Kathy Mayo. He is a fifth grade student at Lipsey Middle School. Eli enjoys riding his bike, playing soccer and baseball with the Brookhaven Recreational Department, visiting different zoos and taking care of his pets. He attends Easthaven Baptist Church. His brother Parker served as a trainbearer.
Michael Hampton Smith
Michael Hampton Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Smith and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleve Newton. Hamp is a fifth grade student at Brookhaven Academy, is an A Honor Roll and Rising Mississippi Scholar student. He enjoys football, golf, soccer, basketball and hunting. He enjoys spending time in the North Carolina mountains at Camp Kanuga. Smith attends Episcopal Church of the Redeemer and is involved in EYC youth program. His father, Josh Smith, served as an escort on the court and his sister Sara Rodgers Smith served as a trainbearer.
Lela Elizabeth Waterloo
Lela Elizabeth Waterloo is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trey Waterloo. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waterloo and Mrs. Kay Burton and the late Mr. John Burton. Lela Beth is a fifth grade student at Brookhaven Academy, a Mississippi Rising Star, and honor roll student. Waterloo serves in the performing arts at Brookhaven Little Theatre and New Stage Theatre. She enjoys acting, singing and dancing. She received Brookhaven Little Theatre’s 2019 Rising Star Actress Haven Award. She attends First Baptist Church. Her mother, Emily Burton Waterloo, served as a maid on the court.