Know your neighbor — Sonja Laiche
Published 9:04 pm Thursday, June 14, 2018
Sonja Laiche loves nothing more than spending time with her family, and being at church.
Although she and her family lived in Wesson, they were always in Brookhaven to attend services at Heritage Family Church. Laiche fell in love with the people and the atmosphere, and finding a home church was the deciding factor in the family’s move to Brookhaven.
“I’m committed to the church and I love spending time around my church family,” Laiche said.
Laiche was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up in Wesson, where she was raised by her grandfather. She has lived in the area for almost 50 years, and has lived in Brookhaven for 24 years.
When Laiche isn’t spending time at church, she is working at the Lincoln County Public Library, where she has been employed for almost nine years. Laiche currently serves as the assistant to the children’s and youth services coordinator.
When she is at home she enjoys spending time with her family, which includes Tony, her husband of 33 years; her two daughters; and her and Tony’s seven grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys painting and reading.
Laiche dreams just like anyone else, and sees herself one day traveling to Pennsylvania and touring the Amish countryside. Her favorite type of food is Mexican. She likes to stay hydrated, so she never leaves the house without a bottle of water.
Communication is important to her, and keeping in contact with her husband is something that she can’t go without. If she had a super power, she would want to use whatever it may be to simply make the world a better place.
As an individual and a believer, her greatest goal is to one day make it to heaven.
Story by Gracie Byrne