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Is the job you have the right one for you?

Published 7:31 pm Friday, August 25, 2017

Do you love or hate your job? Is your job right for you? Do you look forward to going to work every day or dread it? Could there be something that would be a better fit for you?

Everyone has days when we don’t like our job or something we have to do that is distasteful. You may feel overworked, under paid, under appreciated. Those kinds of days are bound to happen even at the best of jobs. Ask yourself some questions to determine whether it is time to look elsewhere or stick it out.

1. Does your job allow you to use your talents and abilities?

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2. What is your relationship with your boss? Good or bad?

3. Are you fulfilled or drained at the end of the day?

4. Are you unhappy at work?

5. Do you just get through the week waiting for weekends?

6. Do you have friends in your workplace?

7. Do you like what you do in your job?

8. Do you believe in the products/services of your company?

9. Are you proud of the mission of your employer?

10. Are you paid fairly, competitively?

11. Do you find other things to do to avoid doing your work?

12. Do you approach each day with excitement or dread?

Gallup describes the various types of employees in three categories: actively disengaged, not engaged and engaged. It is easy to categorize your situation in one of three basic groups.

1. Those who hate their work.

2. Those who tolerate their work.

3. Those who love their work.

Which group do you fall in? The first group exists in every business, large or small. This group has lost focus and motivation and the results are poor performance. They don’t feel appreciated and their work has become draining and discouraging.

A determination should be made as to whether to continue in the current job, find a better job you are more suited for within the organization or seek employment elsewhere.

The second group is made up of “B” players. They are rated as average with mediocre performance. They make “A” players shine in comparison. They mostly work only for the paycheck, doing just enough to get by and keep their job. They are missing out of the satisfaction and fulfillment from their work. The majority of employees fall in this category.

The third group is made up of “A” players, team members. They contribute the most to the company’s bottom line. They are accountable, flexible, creative, excellent communicators, team players and passionate about their jobs.

They feel connected and are motivated by challenges to perform. They look forward to coming to work every day, and for the most part, enjoy the work they do and like the people they work with. They are driven and signed on to the company’s vision. They see the big picture but also have attention to detail.

They understand how their role fits into the overall goals and objectives of the company. They are competitive, passionate and committed. They don’t take everything at face value but question, verify and then support.

The bottom line is that all companies have employees in each of the three groups listed above. HR spends the majority of their time and efforts on employees in group one, those employees who are unhappy in their jobs.

This is where the most problems arise, most complainers and troublemakers are. They have a negative impact on employees in groups two and three. They have to be dealt with in an effort to bring them out of the dissatisfied group. Sometimes it can work but unfortunately, often, efforts are to no avail.

The first step for employers is to hire the right people who are a good fit for the organization. Maintaining, training, developing employees is the responsibility of management. Providing an environment with good communications, both up and down, and following up with employees in evaluations and coaching produces benefits for both the employee and employer. Higher levels of performance and a more synergistic, dynamic and successful organization will be the result.

As an employee you can determine your future. Do you love, hate or tolerate your job? If you don’t like what you do, don’t like the people you work with and are not proud of your company, it is time to seek employment elsewhere. 

Life is too short to go to work every day where you are unhappy and unfulfilled. You spend more waking hours with the people you work with than your own family. Ensure that the time is well spent. Your future depends on it.

Becky Vaughn-Furlow retired from Trustmark Bank as executive vice president and human resources director. She can be contacted by emailing