‘Porches and Private Eyes’ looking for extras
Published 9:43 am Thursday, March 10, 2016
The movie “Porches and Private Eyes” is looking for local aspiring actors to play extras during filming.
Travis Mills of Running Wild Films will be filming his family-friendly comedy-murder-mystery March 12 through 27 in Brookhaven. Scenes in the film will feature various locations around town, including local businesses and landmarks.
Mills, director and author of the movie, said inspiration for the film came from spending time in Brookhaven throughout his life.
“The movie is in many ways a love letter to Brookhaven,” Mills said. “I also wanted to start making movies here which we have done back home in Phoenix, Arizona, for years.”
The movie tells the story of three gossiping Brookhaven women — Ann, Jenny and Patsy — whose idle talk turns into amateur detective work when an old man in town disappears, Mills said.
“I decided to film here because the story is set here,” Mills said. “We film where the story belongs, unlike Hollywood.”
Anyone interested in participating in the film is encouraged to email porchesandprivateeyes@gmail.com.
The Bogue Chitto baseball team will get a chance to appear in the movie. Mills made a request recently of the Lincoln County School District to use the field and team in the movie. The Board of Trustees approved the request at Monday’s meeting.