The non-geek’s guide to buying geek gifts: 2 of 4
Published 12:24 pm Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Video Games: 1. (noun) a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. 2. (geek) what friendships are built and destroyed over.
Giving the right video game at Christmas can make or break a Christmas memory. I should know, I’ve had both. The year I received by first Nintendo Entertainment System was pretty epic.
Here are my tips for giving the gift of game:
1. If you’re buying a console, make sure you have everything you need to play it from day one.
Dad always played the games before giving them to me at Christmas. He said it was to test them, but he really just liked to play. Until the one year he didn’t. It was a brand new Nintendo 64, and I got it on Christmas Eve no less! As I attempted to hook up my new source of digital bliss, something was wrong. There was no RF Modulator. Sure you could buy one at Radio Shack, but it was Christmas Eve, and Radio Shack would not be open until December 26th. OH THE HORROR!! I finally hooked up the sound, and all I could do for 2 days was turn it on and hear “Itsa Meee! Mario!” Then turn it off. My family plotted to throttle me by midday on Christmas. So please, check with a sales associate and make sure you have all you need lest ye incur the same fate.
2. Do your research and make sure you’re getting the right game.
With game franchises pumping out up to a game a year, it’s easy to get confused by the similar titles. If they ask for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and you show up with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, there will probably be Christmas warfare. Plus be sure to get the correct title on the correct platform.
3. When all else fails, gift card it.
GameStop is your friend. GameStop gift cards might as well be made of Doritos and Mt. Dew as much as gamers love ’em.
Next week I will be discussing why one does not simply walk into sci-fi and fantasy gift giving.
Until then, class dismissed.