Taking issue with Common Core
Published 10:20 am Thursday, August 14, 2014
Dear Editor,
In my opinion, “slow-learners” especially will never grasp the “Common-Core” curriculum. In fact, it will only serve to put these students farther behind. And, so, there will be a higher dropout rate, more discipline problems, and, as usual, more crime. I don’t even think that parents will be able to help their children with their homework.
It would never be a good idea to teach all children the same skills, for all children will then think alike, allowing for little creativity. For example, some children don’t need extensive computer technology, because they are talented in trades, not algebra skills in the first grade.
Local school officials need to be in charge of area skills, not the leaders of the government. For instance, Brookhaven city students have different needs than, say, New York City pupils. And to further “fine-tune” the issue, Brookhaven students need different skills than, say, West Lincoln or Bogue Chitto, etc.
As a former educator and a grandmother, the Sunday, Aug. 3rd article really concerns me. Schools shouldn’t serve to make everybody miserable! Whatever happened to the day when learning was fun? Maybe I’m wrong. I hope so.
Jan Smith Busby
Local Taxpayer
Arlington, Mississippi