BLTteens’ ‘Cinderella’ takes to the stage Thursday through Saturday night
Published 10:48 am Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Theater-goers should expect to be spellbound at the fifth-annual Brookhaven Little Theatre Teens production, although, hopefully, the magic will not wear off at midnight.
This year, 34 teenagers will fill the Haven stage to perform their own rendition of “Rodger & Hammerstein’s Cinderella.”
Leading the teen brigade is BLT veteran Jana Russell, but this year she has directing help from two former BLTeen cast members, Logan Cap and Austin Brister. The group is comprised of students from every school in the county, and they have helped with every aspect from set painting to publicity.
Russell said she chose “Rodger & Hammerstein’s Cinderella” because she wanted to get away from Disney this year.
“Every summer, I always worry about what show we’re going to do, and the perfect show always appears,” she said. “It’s a show I grew up with.”
Originally created for film, this version of Cinderella has been seen on the big screen three different times, first in 1957 with Julie Andrews cast as Cinderella, again in 1965 with Lesley Ann Warren and finally in 1997 with Brandi.
The multi-generational aspect supports the idea of a timeless musical. But while it has continued to be regenerated, each version is a little different, which allows for the individuals to shine through.
“Cinderella” also offers more female roles than plays in the past, which is beneficial because the interest is usually greater for girls. However, Russell did say they have had more male participation this year than ever before.
Starting at the beginning of June, the teenagers from Lincoln, Lawrence, Franklin and Copiah counties have worked hard to get the play to its peak. Russell said one of the most difficult scenes, the transformation of Cinderella and other objects, looks to be one of the most amazing scenes.
“We always have people amazed at the teen talent in this area,” she said.
Russell encourages everyone to come out to support the show.
“The Brookhaven community is always really supportive,” she said. “It’s going to be a wonderful, family-friendly show.”
The shows will be Thursday through Saturday beginning at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door, and questions can be addressed by calling the box office at 601-669-1878.