Lawmakers urged to vote for anti-texting bill
Published 10:28 am Thursday, February 13, 2014
Dear Editor,
Mississippi lawmakers will vote today on whether it should be illegal for young people to text and drive.
This legislation could be more important that you realize. A recent study ranked Mississippi among the 11 worst in the nation for its highway safety laws. New protection for our youngest, most inexperienced drivers would help steer Mississippi onto the right track.
Yet, for several years legislation that would ban texting and driving has died on the vine in our state legislature. I applaud State Rep. Gary Chism for drafting House Bill 484, which would ban texting and driving for all drivers under the age of 18. Thanks as well to the House Judiciary B and Transportation Committees for moving the bill to a full vote, due by February 13.
We should all join together to support this new anti-texting and driving effort. This dangerous behavior increases a driver’s risk of crashing by 23 times while sending just one text while driving is the equivalent of having consumed four beers or holding a .08 blood alcohol limit. Why wouldn’t we act to change this?
As an insurance agent, I know firsthand the distractions that lurk for new and experienced drivers alike. Let’s urge our local lawmakers to support House Bill 484.
Steven James
Allstate agency owner
– Jackson