Food pantry help great way to observe holiday
Published 5:44 pm Thursday, December 13, 2012
First Corinthians 13:13 links charity to faith and hope as virtues to abide by, and then challenges us by saying, “the greatest of these is charity.”
In this Christmas season and in the waning days of the year, there’s no better time to decide on the charities we’d like to support – with our money and our time.
While many national and regional organizations are certainly worthy, we tend to believe the best charity begins at home. In that spirit, Bank of Brookhaven and The Daily Leader’s Holiday Food Pantry Drive serves as a clearinghouse for donations to multiple local organizations that provide help to those in need here in Lincoln County.
Today’s newspaper and other recent editions have featured stories on the organizations that will receive funds donated to our Food Pantry Drive.
Some of these outreach groups call it their mission and others see it as meeting a need.
Regardless of the terminology, the services these groups of volunteers provide play an important role in helping people during the holidays and throughout the year. Something else they all have in common is their appreciation for the donations you make during the annual fundraising efforts.
You have through Friday to make a donation to our pantry drive, now in its ninth year.
Through early Thursday, this year’s donations were approaching $7,000. A strong finish will make for an even more successful year as the drive aims to help those who help others. All donations will be used locally to help our neighbors.
Recipient ministries and nonprofits this year include St. Francis of Assisi/St. Vincent de Paul, Union Hall Baptist Church, St. Paul M.B. Church, Bethel A.M.E. Church, the Martha Sykes Widows and Orphans Center and the Greater Hope Foundation. Proceeds will be divided evenly among the organizations after the fundraiser concludes.
The holidays are an especially important time for food pantries and other outreach programs that provide help for the needy.
Donations made now will have an immediate impact by allowing a food pantry to help more people during the holiday period. But your contribution could be used to help the pantries restock shelves, thus making your gift felt beyond the holiday period.
This annual outreach program all starts with someone willing to give a little to potentially help a lot of people during the holidays. So please consider making a donation to the food pantry drive before Friday.
As Christmas approaches, what better way is there to celebrate the season than by sharing and caring for others?