Voters choosing more nominees in Tues. runoffs

Published 6:00 pm Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lincoln County voters return to the pollsTuesday to make their selections in runoffs in the Democratic andRepublican primaries.

    Nine party nominations for local offices – eight Democratic and oneRepublican – will be decided in Tuesday’s activities.

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    Voters are reminded that those who voted in one party’s primary onAug. 2 cannot now vote in the other party’s primary on Tuesday.They must stay party consistent.

    Perhaps garnering the most runoff attention will be a countysuperintendent of education race, between incumbent Terry Bristerand challenger Donald Case, that has grown contentious in recentdays and the Senate District 39 Republican nominee race betweenBill Boerner and Sally Doty, both of Brookhaven. The GOP nomineewill go on to face Democrat W.L. Rayborn in November while eitherBrister or Case will be the next superintendent since there are noRepublicans seeking the office.

    And since there are also no Republican opponents to face, threeother races will be decided Tuesday in the Democratic primary.Those include District Two supervisor, either incumbent Bobby J.Watts or Jimmy Diamond; District Four supervisor, either incumbentDoug Moak or Eddie Brown; and Post One constable, either incumbentKelly Porter or Clint Earls.

    Voter turnout for primary runoffs tends to wane significantlycompared to the first primary. Nevertheless, some decisions madeTuesday will impact Lincoln County for the next four years andbeyond.

    For that reason, voter participation is important. Go vote!