Construction begins on new BHS track
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, June 26, 2011
The 6-year-old running track located onBrookhaven High School’s King Field is being replaced. Out ofservice for three years because of faulty workmanship andfoundation problems, the track originally cost over $100,000.
Upon completion in the summer of 2004, the 6-lane track was praisedfor its beauty and usefulness to the community. Joggers and walkersused it, along with the BHS and Alexander Junior High trackteams.
However, construction defects caused swift deterioration of thefacility. Cracks in the surface and indentions began to appear.Formal complaints were filed against the company that installed thetrack but the business declared bankruptcy.
Heavy machinery in the form of graders, front end loaders andbackhoes presently inhabit the track as removal of the old surfacecontinues. The process began last week.
Tucker Peavey, former BHS head football coach and athleticdirector, now serves as Director of Maintenance for the BrookhavenPublic Schools. He hopes the project is completed before schoolbegins the first week of August.
“It needs to be finished by the end of July,” saidPeavey. “Once they get theold stuff taken out and have it down to the level it needs to beat, then they will concrete and harden the asphalt base. It mustcure. Then they add the surface.”
Peavey said the final surface will be harder than the previoussurface. He said the Fisher Company is in charge of the surfaceapplication.
Another company, called Geopave, is doing the foundation work.Peavey said, “This company did Pearl’s track and Clinton’s track,and also Tylertown and Biloxi.”
Peavey said funds to build and resurface the track have beenappropriated. “This process has actually been going on for abouttwo years. The board has been working on getting the necessarymoney. Everybody wants it. I’m happy we have a chance to doit.”
Wade Henderson, current BHS head football coach and athleticdirector, said the new facility would benefit the entire athleticprogram. “Being able to host track meets would raise money for ourdepartment.”
Also known as R.L. Therrell Track in honor of a deceased BHS coach,the facility was a popular gathering place for walkers and joggerstrying to maintain good health. The track had been illuminated atnight for evening exercise. It has been closed to the public forover two years.
Brookhaven’s track team has been content with competing in meetsaway from home. The Lady Panthers finished third in last month’sClass 5A State Track Meet and the Panthers were 10th. The BHS girlswere runners-up in South State after winning the regional test.
“Now we can host some track meets and generate some revenue,” saidPeavey. “You wont’ have to travel to every track meet.”
In another King Field project, portions of the visiting sidebleachers are being replaced. Peavey said some of the bleacherswere originally constructed with 2’x12′ wood planks. “Now they will beall aluminum.”