New Training Option Coming
Published 6:10 pm Tuesday, June 7, 2011
A group of Lincoln County workers and other residents looking toget their General Education Development (GED) degree should soonhave a new training site thanks to an agreement betweenAbilityWorks and Copiah-Lincoln Community College.
At the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation ServicesAbilityWorks’ location on Industrial Park Road Monday, LincolnCounty crews were preparing a new site for a Co-Lin trainingtrailer. The trailer will offer GED classes for AbilityWorksclients and the community at large, said Jeff Posey, Co-Lindirector of Adult Education.
“We’ll also be working on getting some computer labs at thelocation added as we can,” Posey said.
Milton Koon, facility manager for AbilityWorks, said helpingclients obtain their GEDs is part of helping them in their skillsdevelopment. He said having the trailer near the facility would beconvenient for clients and a good location for the community as awhole.
“Our clients who work here will be able to go there and gettheir GED,” Koon said.
Posey hopes the trailer, which will need additional preparation,will be ready for classes in September or possibly August. He saidthe classes, which will be free to the community, first would beheld in the morning and then evening classes could be addedlater.
Posey agreed with Koon regarding location. He said Co-Lincurrently has a training trailer behind the Brookhaven RecreationDepartment on Highway 51.
“This will give us another instructional site to help people whomay not have transportation to that part of town,” Posey said.
Posey said the trailer was formerly located at Georgia-Pacificin Monticello and was not at the Thames Center on Co-Lin’s Wessoncampus. He said having it available allowed Co-Lin to respond toAbilityWorks’ request.
“It worked out at a good time,” Posey said.
Koon also acknowledged Lincoln County supervisors’ role inhelping prepare the site for the new addition. The AbilityWorksbuilding is a county-owned facility.
“The county has been really good about doing this for us,” Koonsaid. “We appreciate their help.”