Four face charges over home invasion
Published 6:17 pm Thursday, April 28, 2011
Four people are facing charges in connection with an earlymorning home invasion, assault and robbery at a New Hebronresidence, authorities said.
The collaborative efforts of the Lawrence County Sheriff’sDepartment and the New Hebron Police Department led to the arrestsof four suspects allegedly involved in the incident that happenedshortly after midnight.
Joseph Streeval, 22, of Richland, was charged with burglary of adwelling, aggravated assault, conspiracy, armed robbery andbreaking and entering.
Brandon Moore, 22, of Raymond, was charged with aggravated assault,breaking and entering, armed robbery, accessory before the fact,conspiracy, accessory after the fact and possession of stolenproperty.
Jessica Nicholson, 21, of Utica, was charged with accessory beforethe fact, conspiracy, accessory after the fact and possession ofstolen property.
Destiny Bennett, 18, of Richland, was charged with accessory beforethe fact, conspiracy, accessory after the fact and possession ofstolen property.
LCSD Under Sheriff Willie Wallace said Moore and Streeval allegedlybroke into the Kenny Thurman residence on Wells Street. in NewHebron during the early morning hours while he and his wife Verawere home. Bennett and Nicholson allegedly remained in the getawaycar.
“Broke into the house, robbed (Kenny Thurman), took his safe andthey beat him up pretty good,” said Wallace.
The weapon of choice was a baseball bat and who used the weapon isunknown at this time, said Wallace. Wallace added that KennyThurman, age unknown, was transported to the University ofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
“I do not know his condition at this time,” said Wallace.
NHPD officer George Walker spotted the getaway vehicle shortlyafter the alleged robbery, stopped the vehicle and was able toreceive the assistance of LCSD deputies Ryan Everett and JamesWhite in recovering the safe and some other items three or fourmiles from where the incident occurred, said Wallace.
LCSD Master Sgt. Christian Davis said Bennett was alleged to havebeen the first to drive the getaway car, a 1997 black FordThunderbird, and drove around after dropping off the two males. Headded that at some point they switched drivers and Nicholson mayhave been driving when the vehicle was pulled over.
“(Bennett) said she got tired of driving,” said Davis.
Wallace said that the initial hearing is scheduled for today.
He added that Streeval and Moore are convicted felons and have beenrecently released from jail.
“They haven’t been out long,” said Wallace.
Wallace commended the cooperation between the law enforcementofficers involved and added that good teamwork helped lead to thearrests.
“They did a great jot at getting these people apprehended,” hesaid. “Most of the time you don’t catch them when something likethis happens right off the bat.”