Board approves electric panels for RR Park
Published 6:52 pm Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Railroad Park is getting closer to electricity and theMulti-Modal Facility is getting closer to new signs as the board ofaldermen discussed areas of importance Tuesday.
Mike McKenzie of WGK, Engineers & Surveyors, informed the boardof the $88,020 bid from Austin Electric to make the improvements toRailroad Park.
McKenzie said the bid was roughly $30,000 more than anticipated dueto the recent increase in the price for electrical panels and thechange of plans to install lines under the parking lot. However,McKenzie is confident in the bid.
“I don’t think we can bid (again) and get a cheaper price,” saidMcKenzie.
To offset the coasts, McKenzie suggested reducing the number ofpanels to be installed. The bid was accepted under the notion ofpossibly reducing the electricity panels, the size of which raisedsome concerns among board members.
Mayor Les Bumgarner was also comfortable with the bid, reassuringthe board that there is plenty of money left in the light andsignage grant to continue with the bid. The city pursued theelectric panels due to the number of events held in Railroad Parkand the need for electricity during those activities.
The Multi-Modal Facility will soon have the name “GodboldTransportation Center” mounted on its wall, in honor of the familywhose father, mother and son all served as mayor of the city.
The board looked at color options and the cost of the sign, whichcould be paid for by the railroad company if it is under$2,000.
The board looked at the cost of two signs from Mid-South SignGraphics. One sign consisted of baked aluminum with dimensionalletters, which would cost $1,255.80. The second sign consisted ofvinyl flat letters and would cost roughly $600.
The board was indecisive about which colors to put on display.Bumgarner said a decision on the sign will not be needed untillater.
The Brookhaven-Lincoln County Airport will also see anupdate.
Director of Public Works Steve Moreton informed the board of aproposal to remodel part of the airport to allow for mechanic workto be done on airplanes. The remodeling would cost anywhere from$3,000 to $4,000 and would consist of walling up a room andinstalling a small air condition unit, according to Moreton.
The city accepted the idea of remodeling the airport, which wouldrequire leasing of space to operate in the facility.
“It’s a win-win situation; we’ll get our money back pretty quick,”said Bumgarner. “We need to have a mechanic out there.”