Time Out with Tom Goetz: Rogers spending summer on road
Published 6:48 pm Thursday, July 1, 2010
On the road again.
Brookhaven Academy quarterback Chandler Rogers might be accusedof having wheels for feet. The strong-armed, rising senior hasspent his summer on the road, attending numerous footballcamps.
For sure, it has been a learning experience. Call it anopportunity to promote yourself.
Rogers directed the BA Cougars to the MAIS Class AA statechampionship last November, helping the team go unbeaten in 15games. For sure, it was a Cinderella season. With Rogers at thecontrols, the Cougars’ aerial attack achieved awesome numbers.
Still, Brookhaven Academy is a small school. College coachesoften look longer at players from larger schools when therecruiting hunt begins.
“The main thing in going to all these camps was to get myselfout there,” said Rogers. “Players that go to these camps usuallyget offers from these schools. It’s been a measuring stick fromme.”
Since last spring, Rogers has made the rounds and been on theroad. He attended a National Underclassmen Combine in Baton Rougeand was chosen to be in Atlanta for the Ultimate 100 Camp. Therewas a Nike Camp in Baton Rouge and an Under Armour Combine in NewOrleans. He’s also been camping at Memphis, Mississippi State,Arkansas State, Southern Miss, Northwestern (La.) and Ole Miss.
In the MVP Camp held at Auburn last weekend, Rogers was chosenas one of the top performers. At the Bruce Arians Combine inBirmingham, Rogers was rated No. 1 among 10 quarterbacks. He hasbeen asked to come back to Ole Miss July 17.
Rogers had the opportunity to visit with Ole Miss head coachHouston Nutt and quarterbacks coach Doug Rader. He was impressedwith them and said he would love to play for Ole Miss.
Much to his surprise, Rogers received a scholarship offer fromCornell University in New York. “I got an e-mail from them and Icalled the coach (Kent Austin) and talked to him.”
Division III schools can’t offer a football scholarship but theydo offer financial aid.
He said Middle Tennessee State and Tennessee Tech have expressedthe most interest in him. He plans to continue working hard andthen there’s a matter of defending that AA state championship.
This weekend, Rogers will quarterback the Mississippi team inthe National 7 on 7 Championship in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Twenty teamsfrom across the nation will compete in the 2-day tournament.
The Mississippi Team won a regional championship and qualifiedtwo months ago. Some of the Mississippi team members are ChelarvezBrown, Tobias Singleton, Kyle Russell, Tyriq Patrick, DonteMoncrieft, Jeremaine Whitehead and Nick Braswell.
For sure, Rogers receives plenty of support from his parents.Either his mom or dad will drive him to the different camps andcombines. Looking at his college education for a moment, Rogerssaid he wants to major in psychology.
In case you missed it, the District Seven baseball team,composed of rising juniors and seniors, finished third in the StateGames of Mississippi. They brought home a bronze medal for thesouthwest Mississippi area.
Coach Dustin Lott of Brookhaven and his brother, George Lott IIIof North Pike, coached the District Seven team. Dustin said he wasproud of his team’s performance in the State Games. “I was verypleased with our effort and the results.”
District Seven opened the series against District Two and lost asqueaker after leading 5-2. “They hit a walk-off double and beat us6-5 in the opener.”
In Sunday’s semifinals, gold medalist District Six of Jacksonposted a 10-6 win over Seven after losing 6-5 to Seven Saturdaynight. It was the first time the Jackson team has been beaten ineight years.
“Jackson is loaded with talent,” said Lott. “They have 19 5A and6A schools in their area, plus some AAA academies.”
District Six whipped District Five 14-5 in the gold medalgame.
A day earlier, District Seven went 12 innings to beat Jackson6-5. Tyler Case pitched the first eight innings for the winners.Korey Allen hurled four innings of relief.
Lott recalled a crazy happening. “District Six had the basesloaded and their player singled. His teammates dog-piled him on thefirst base line before he reached the bag.”
The premature celebration allowed Lott’s team to field the balland relay it to first base for an out to retire the side.
Earlier, District Seven defeated District Two 23-6 and DistrictThree 14-3.
“Our kids had a great time,” said Lott. “They said they hadnever been in that kind of an intense type of (playing)situation.”
Many college coaches and Major League Baseball scouts were inattendance. Several players had their first, in-person encounterwith them.
“We didn’t hit a home run in the series but we stole a lot ofbases,” said Lott. “The reason why our team was so successful wasbecause our kids played harder than the others. I had umpires,other coaches and fans tell me how hard our kids played.”
Besides Case and Allen, Loyd Star was represented by TravisKeene and Marquis Hayes. Representing BHS were Scottie Peavey andGabe Wilson. From Brookhaven Academy was Bubba Keene. From Wessonwas Matt Smith. From Lawrence County were Scott Votaw and DylanLea. North Pike was represented by Revis Butler and Ken Hodges.From Parklane Academy were Brandon Austin and Nathan Tayhlor.
Obviously, the experience was priceless.
Write to sports editor Tom Goetz, c/o The DAILY LEADER, P.O. BOX551, Brookhaven, MS 39602 or e-mail sports@dailyleader.com