Ole Brook
Published 12:08 pm Monday, May 24, 2010
Congratulations to Brookhaven Academy boy’s baseball team ontheir State Championship win! Now if you think you’ve readsomething like this before, it’s because you have. BrookhavenAcademy boys have won four State Championships this school year -football, basketball, baseball and tennis.
What a stellar year! It certainly was not easy, but this groupof young men battled like warriors and wouldn’t take no for ananswer. They also displayed what coaches dream about, teamwork. Ona good team, someone always steps up in every game. This iscertainly what Brookhaven Academy had, people willing to rise tothe occasion, to lead and do what was necessary to win. Enjoy yourvictories!
Congratulations to all the area graduates, also. Parents,grandparents, aunts, uncles and teachers, kudos to you too. You arethe support group who helps these youngsters succeed. Many nightsare spent making sure homework is done, clothes are clean, foodprepared, and in the mornings, making sure the student is attendingschool. It isn’t easy crossing all the T’s and dotting the I’s, butit must be a group effort. So many children are in extra curricularactivities, I don’t see how it all gets done, but it does. Enjoyyour victories, too.
Jacob Rushing, son of Jeff and Stephanie Rushing and grandson ofJ.B. and Martha Rushing, of Brookhaven, recently celebrated his 5thbirthday. Sixty-four guests were treated to a Superman themedparty, complete with fun jump and slide from Mr. Charley’s FunJumps. Jacob enjoyed all his guests and gifts for this specialbirthday.
May birthday greetings go out to Kathy McGehee, Jeff King,Kendal Reynaud, Ian Sicks, George Jordan, Gene White, GeorgiaMassey, Jennifer Wooten, Shelby Smith, Heather Bridwell, JackAsken, Sadie Walker, James Laird Jr. and Clay Johnston.
And a special birthday greeting to my honey bun, who lets mewrite about him, Martin Keene.
Happy anniversary to Bruce and Shirley Chamberlain.
Quote of the week: “Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.”- Unknown
If you have any Ole Brook area news to report, contact DebbieKeene at 601-669-4342 or debbo@hotmail.com. Please put Ole BrookNews in subject line.