Banquet honors BC athletes

Published 6:56 pm Wednesday, May 19, 2010

BOGUE CHITTO — Bogue Chitto honored its athletes Monday nightin an athletic banquet to congratulate their young athletes ontheir hard work and success. The banquet was held inside theBrookhaven Recreational Department building located on Highway 51North. The food was catered by Broma’s Deli.

Mickey Myers opened the event; giving thanks to the athletes fortheir success they had this year. He also recalled some enjoyablemoments and highlights he remember over the year before blessingthe food.

After the meal, coaches in each sport handed out the awards.Byron Kersee earned Most Valuable Player Award in football. DarcyMiller received the MVP honors in Girls Basketball for the team andThe DAILY LEADER.

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Colby Crosby netted the MVP in tennis, Colby Johnson collectedthe MVP in boys basketball, and Michael Martin took home the MVP inbaseball.

Coach Scott Leggett didn’t give out fastpitch softball awards tohis players because they are currently competing in the 1A stateplayoffs. Leggett he said he would give the awards out at a latertime.

Myers gave out the special awards toward the end of the banquet,which were the Monty Moak, Lindy Callahan and FCA Awards.

Bogue Chitto principal Stacy Adcock closed the ceremony givingthanks to everyone’s hard work.



Aliyah Durr, Kaylie Crosby, Co-Captain; Hayley Owens, Captain;Shelby Crosby, Victoria Tobias, Victoria Wash, Clint Leonard, KarlySmith, Traci Jones, Mattie Rials, Courtney Blackwell, CourtneyCrosby.

Slowpitch Softball

Darcy Miller, 1A All-State Tournament Team, Gold Glove; JosiePorter, 1A All-State Tournament Team, Batting Title; Bradi Davis,Spirit Award; Adrienne Wallace, Down-N-Dirty Hustle Award.


Colton McClendon, All-Region Second Team; Byron Kersee, MAC 1AAll-State Running Back, Team Most Valuable Player, Offensive MostValuable Player; Garrett Wallace, MAC 1A All-State Kicker; ColeLaird, All-Region First Team; Emmanuel Magee, Defensive MostValuable Player, All-Region First Team; Shane Lewis, All-RegionFirst Team; Tevin Tobias, Best Lineman Award, All-Region FirstTeam; Kevin Brothern, Headhunter Award, All-Region Second Team;Tyler Saucier, Most Improved Player, All-Region Second Team; ShaunWallace, All-Region First Team; Javier Gee, All-Region SecondTeam.

Girls Basketball

Aneshia Dillon, All-Lincoln County Team, Best Offensive Player;Teareon Rogers, Most Improved; Shelby Tobias, All-Lincoln CountyTeam, Rebounder Of The Year; Adrienne Hall, Best Defensive Player;Josie Porter, Playmaker Of The Year; Darcy Miller, All-LincolnCounty Team, DAILY LEADER Most Valuable Player, Team Most ValuablePlayer.


Colby Crosby, Most Valuable Player

Boys Basketball

Germie Martin, Rookie Of The Year; Byron Kersee, Best DefensivePlayer, All-District, All-Lincoln County Team; Garrett Wallace,Hustle Award; Colby Johnson, Most Valuable Player; Emmanuel Magee,Coaches Award; Justin London, Best Offensive Player, All-LincolnCounty Team, All District; Michael Harris, Best All Around Player;Cliff Graham, Sportsmanship Award, Zac Perkins, SportsmanshipAward, Greg Turner, Sportsmanship Award.


Byron Kersee, Best Light Lifter; Shane Lewis, Powerlift 308 WTClass State Champion, Best Heavy Lifter; Tyler Saucier, Powerlift148 WT Class State Champion.


Colton McClendon, Most Valuable Offensive Player; Brock Roberts,Rookie Of The Year; Garrett Wallace, Most Valuable DefensivePlayer; Shaun Wallace, Bobcat Award; Michael Martin, Most ValuableOffensive Player, Team Most Valuable Player.

Special Awards

Byron Kersee, Monty Moak Award; Hayley Owens, Lindy CallahanAward, FCA Athlete Of The Year Award; Cole Laird, Lindy CallahanAward.