Main St. Memos
Published 1:00 pm Monday, May 3, 2010
I got so much to talk about this week.
Marry Nell wants to send a shout out to her sister Annie BellBrooks who has been under the weather but doing much better. Monnastopped in the restaurant with her mom and says she is doing verywell. She looks great!
Congratulations to my nephew Bruce Franklin on the marriage ofhis daughter last Saturday at Siloam Church.
Happy birthday to Dr. Marilyn Dow Harris, Kimberly HopeStrauthers, Salinda Hardy, Sylvia Wade and Terria Brooks Green.
Shirley Estes stopped in to talk about the beautificationproject at Bicentennial Park. A special shout out from thePearlhaven community to Kenneth Dickey and Terrill Adams, who areemployees of the Brookhaven Recreation Department. They are thereearly in the mornings making sure trash and other clean-up work isdone.
I am looking forward to the carnival that is coming this weekendto the Lincoln Civic Center. We need some good old fashion fun andfellowship. I do ask that you do not drop your children off andleave them. Lincoln County will be having visitors from across thesouth attending. Officials will have a zero tolerance fordisrupting the event. Chief Pap Henderson has always said hisdepartment is not a babysitter.
Katrina Hines wanted to remind everyone that this is TeachersAppreciation Week and to send a small gift to a teacher. They workhard to motivate the children to learn and pass tests from thestate so they can move on and become productive citizens.
May is busy with graduations so please send me stories aboutyour grad.
Pastor Bruce Smith and Pastor Larry Jointer will be celebratingchurch anniversaries. Minister Dennie is working on a tent revivaland more. Keep up with what’s going on by reading the eventssection of The DAILY LEADER every day. Church events are includeddaily in the events calendar.
Congratulations to my niece Doletha Hill on the work that shedoes volunteering with kids of Siloam Church praise team. Theycelebrated nine years together.
My celebrity of the week is former Brookhaven Mayor Bill Godboldwho stopped in Polly’s restaurant for a take out lunch. He’slooking good and chipper as ever.
We are planning a School’s Out Block Party on Main Street. Ameeting at Polly’s restaurant is this Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. AllPearlhaven residents, business owners and church leaders are askedto attend. The next meeting will be at Grace Community Church thenPearlhaven Baptist Church.
The ‘O’ Foundation has been inspired by the grandma of littlebaby Grace of St. James Church to host a baby contest at theLincoln Civic Center. More information will be shared later but ifanyone wants to help, please contact Alexene Jordan or myself.
I want to encourage all men to please stop by the restaurant onThursday evenings at 6 p.m. for Men’s Talk. The group is growingand with all the crime we are having the community needs your help.The more men that join hands in prayer I believe God will interveneand give ideas on how to help our law officials stem this problemwe are having. Our prayers are with Eva Pullen for a speedyrecovery. The young men involved in this crime come from a singlemother who needs help, too. We have got to confront the problem byreaching out to our youth and help these mothers.
If you have any Brookhaven area news to report, contact RoseMary Powell at 601-833-0922 or 601-695-3658 or e-mail