Grocery store owner killed in accident
Published 6:44 pm Friday, April 16, 2010
A midday Holmes County car accident claimed the life of themuch-loved owner of two Brookhaven grocery stores Thursday, Pickensofficials said.
Pickens Police Chief Joe Davis said Gene Rushing, the owner of thePiggly Wiggly Supermarkets on Monticello Street and Highway 51 inBrookhaven and other stores around the state, was pronounced deadon the scene of the two-car collision between Rushing’s ChevroletSuburban and a truck Thursday around 1:30 p.m.
“There was a car that turned in front of him,” Davis said. “There’snot much we can say. It’s still under investigation.”
Davis said a driver and passenger from the other vehicle in theaccident were transported to the hospital by ambulance, but he didnot release their identities.
The accident occurred at the intersection of Highway 51 andLexington Street, Davis said. He said Rushing’s body will be sentto the Mississippi State Crime Lab for a routine autopsy.
Area business people said Rushing was someone who treated hisemployees and associates with kindness and respect.
“He was a great man, he treated us all like family,” said BruceGarrett, manager of the Piggly Wiggly on Monticello Street.
Davis said Rushing owned a grocery store in Pickens, and that hewas probably in town on business. He owned stores in severalMississippi cities, including Brookhaven, Jackson, Canton andBrandon.
Rushing’s funeral arrangements are being handled by BreelandFuneral Home in Canton.