East Lincoln News
Published 12:16 pm Monday, March 15, 2010
There’s a lot going on at Pleasant Grove United MethodistChurch! The family life center has received a breath of fresh airwith several renovation projects taking place in there over thepast few weeks. The kitchen floor has been retiled and the mainfloor has been painted with epoxy paint. Everything looksgreat!
Pleasant Grove is also gearing up for the Lincoln County Relay forLife. The event, which is the main fundraiser for the AmericanCancer Society, will be held at the Brookhaven Exchange Club ParkMay 7-8. With the overall theme of the relay this year being “’50sTV shows,” the church team has picked “I Love Lucy” as itsindividual theme with a motto of “I Love Life.”
The church team will have several fundraisers. The first will be abike-a-thon held in the church parking lot on March 27 with a timeto be announced later. This event will give the youth anopportunity to be a part of the fundraising. Adults are welcome toride and sponsor the riders for each lap in the parking lot. Therewill also be hamburgers and concessions available.
Other fundraisers include a salad luncheon, which will be heldafter the morning church service on April 18. There will also bepledge cards available for $1 which can be purchased in honor or inmemory of someone and placed on a tree in the family life center.The Community Crafters have also donated a quilt that will be givenaway. Quilt tickets are available now.
During March, Harmony Baptist Church is placing emphasis on itsSunday school program. Harmony’s congregation invites anyone toattend Sunday school there at 10 a.m. each Sunday morning. Theyhave motivated and talented teachers who create an environment thatis perfect for learning and sharing.
Mallalieu United Methodist Church will be having a full day ofactivities on March 21. Church services will begin at 10:30 a.m.with a potluck lunch to follow at 11:45 a.m. in the fellowshiphall. There will be a concert featuring local gospel singer BrandonAndrews at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Mallalieu’s layleader, Kevin Kimble, at (601) 695-3907.
I am proud to say that this is my 200th column for The DAILYLEADER. I want to thank all of my readers for their support andlove over the years. Continue sending me your news because I loveto hear from all of you.
Prayer requests for this week include the Sandy Simpson family.Sandy, a beloved member of Pleasant Grove, joined God’s choir onFeb. 24. She was a wonderful ambassador for Christ who always had akind word and smile for everyone. She will be missed.
Happy birthday wishes go out to Shane Smith and Jim Calhoun. Happyanniversary wishes go out to Mickey and Marilyn Wilson, Jim andMary Calhoun, and Keith and Barbara Tullius.
A thought for this week: “The only failure in life is the failureto try.” – Carl W. Buechner.
Have a great week!
If you have any East Lincoln area news to report, contact JoshuaWilson at jowilms@gmail.com or 601-757-7204.