Co-Lin ADN program gets high marks on nat’l. review
Published 1:17 pm Monday, March 8, 2010
Copiah-Lincoln Community College takes a lot of pride in itstrack record in nursing, and as such, spends a lot of energy onmaking sure that the program focuses on preparing the students asmuch as possible.
Co-Lin officials said Friday that’s part of the reason the schoolgot high marks on its National League for Nursing AccreditingCommission review late last month.
“I would definitely say that we are a small program and we are aquality program, the faculty are very stable and we are committedto our students,” said Co-Lin Director of Associate Degree NursingMary Ann Canterbury. “That’s something you can ask our students.Our faculty take the time to help our students be successful in theprogram, it’s a very challenging program.”
And now that program has been unofficially accredited for anothereight years, and officials said they’re just waiting on thepaperwork.
“In the preliminary reports, our program was in compliance in allareas, and it’s just pending official notification in July,” saidCo-Lin Vice-President of Instructional Services Dr. Jane Hulon.”It’s kind of unofficial now, because we’re waiting on thatdocument.”
Canterbury said that while Co-Lin’s program is not necessarily aslarge as some other schools, they have made it their mission to bestudent-oriented.
“Our faculty are student-centered, but we do have highexpectations,” Canterbury said. “But definitely a strong point isthat we’re very student centered, if you ask the students they’lltell you that.”
However, it shows when the students hit the real world, Canterburysaid.
“This is a highly challenging program. It is a huge amount ofmaterial that gets more so every year, and you have a very shortperiod of time to learn the material and evidence competence andskill,” she said. “We’re proud because we do graduate verycompetent practitioners and we hear it all the time how ourstudents look different from other graduates.”
Hulon said that passing the review and being accredited for anothereight years is just a reinforcement of what school officialsalready knew about their nursing program.
“We have always felt like we had a strong program, when you getvalidation from outside sources, it just underscores what youalready know,” she said. “We have great faculty, great students,and a great program, and we’re very proud of what they do and theproduct they turn out. We couldn’t be any more proud of thatprogram and the faculty and staff.”