Woman killed in collision with log truck
Published 5:55 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A mid-morning collision took the life of aLawrence County woman Monday, Mississippi Highway Patrol officialssaid.
MHP Public Affairs OfficerSgt. Rusty Boyd said Daisy B. Reid, 82, of 885 Mississippi Highway44, Jayess, was pronounced at the scene shortly after 9:12 a.m. byLawrence County Coroner Sydney Fortenberry after an 18-wheel logtruck struck the passenger side of the car in which she wasriding.
“As it turned left on 44, itwas struck on the right side by an eastbound Peterbilt 18-wheeler,loaded with logs,” Boyd said.
Reid’s husband Webster R.Reid was flown from the scene and taken to Forrest General Hospitalin Hattiesburg, where his status is unavailable.
“They picked him up byhelicopter at the scene and flew him to Hattiesburg,” Fortenberrysaid. “When the helicopter comes straight to the scene, that’sserious.”
Sean E. West, 35, ofBrookhaven, who was driving the log truck, was uninjured.
Fortenberry said theaccident occurred about two to three miles west of Topeka TiltonAttendance Center as the Reids were pulling out of their privatedrive.
Wilson Funeral Home inMonticello will handle Daisy Reid’s arrangements, which areincomplete.