Popular flea market set for Oct.
Published 5:00 am Monday, September 21, 2009
The Wesson Flea Market is one of the town’s biggest yearlyevents, and organizers are urging vendors to get their reservationsin early.
“They need to let me know in the next two weeks,” said eventorganizer Kenneth Furr. “We’ve got a lot already registered. I haveto give people what we’ve got when they come.”
The event takes place Saturday, Oct. 17, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.on Highway 51, and is sponsored by the Wesson Volunteer FireDepartment.
Individuals, church groups, clubs and organizations are welcometo set up booths – anything with something to sell, organizerssaid. Generally there are booths and tables, but people have alsobeen known to sell things out of the backs of cars and trucks.Vendors are asked to bring their own tables, chairs and other setupneeds.
A 10′ x 10′ booth area is $40, with an extra $5 charged forelectricity. Organizers said reservations will be taken until Oct.10, personal checks will not be accepted after Oct. 3, and spacesare reserved on a first come, first served basis.
“We have just one place you can use a truck, and it won’t be onthe main street,” Furr said. “If you bring a truck it will be on aside street.”
Food, however, will only be sold by the churches and civicgroups in Wesson, Furr said.
“We had to do that because people come in here from out of town,we’ve had people wanting to sell funnel cakes from Louisiana, forinstance,” he said. “If they come up here our own people might notbe able to sell theirs.”
The flea market is in its 38th year, and Furr said as usual,booths are expected from Louisiana, Texas, Alabama and Mississippi.Last year there were close to 5,000 people who attended theevent.
Vendors need to be on hand to set up after 5 p.m. Friday night,Furr said, and there will be a security guard to watch the boothsovernight.
“Or be here at least by 5 o’clock Saturday morning,” Furrsaid.
Most importantly, event organizers and officials of the town ofWesson just want the event to be a fun and positive one for allthose who attend.
“We have a good one every year and people want to come back,”Furr said.