Hedgepeth wins Lions Club crown
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 17, 2009
Jessi Hedgepeth was crowned the 2009 Lions’ Water Carnival Queenfrom among 99 contestants competing at the 67th annual Lions’Beauty Pageant at the Lincoln County Multi-Use Facility Fridaynight.
Hedgepeth, daughter of Cindi Hedgepeth and the late TimHedgepeth, is a 2009 graduate of Brookhaven Academy. She was avarsity cheerleader, played soccer and was a member of the NationalHonor Society. Her future plans are to attend Copiah-LincolnCommunity College for a degree in radiography and further hercareer at Hinds Community College with a degree in sonography.
She was crowned by Naomi Kessner, a 67-year member of the Lionsand was crowned as the first queen in 1943. She is the wife of JimKessner. Kessner delighted the crowd by singing “God Bless America”to the 2009 queen and her court.
The first alternate in the age 17 and up category was KaylaLeAnn Owens, daughter of Hank and Gigi Owens. The second alternatewas Emily Shiann Powers, daughter of Tracy Case.
Age 1 category winners included first place winner Brynn AlexisHutson, daughter of Ryan Beaty; second place winner Terra AnnVining, daughter of Terry and Amber Vining; and third place winnerAshlyn Kate Hall, daughter of Stuart and Sarabeth Hall.
Age 2 category winners included first place winner Macy BlakeMcDaniel, daughter of Rod and Laura McDaniel; second place winnerSkyler Jyne McCullough, daughter of Mark and Kelly McCullough; andthird place winner Sayerd Grace Harveston, daughter of Summer andDaryl Harveston.
Age 3 category winners included first place winner KarciElizabeth Case, daughter of Keith and Christie Case; second placewinner Madison Elizabeth Altman, daughter of Kory and Dana Altman;and third place winner Allie Jane Miles, daughter of Stephen andAngela Miles.
Age 4 category winners included first place winner Jacie AshlynDouglas, daughter of Jason and Leslie Douglas; second place winnerCharlie Ann Carr, daughter of Charles and Hope Carr; and thirdplace winner Mary Claire Johnson, daughter of Luke and HopeJohnson.
Age 5-6 category winners included first place winner Sasha MarieKing, daughter of Donnie and Candi King; second place winner EmmaLou Waldrop, daughter of Brad and Casey Waldrop; and third placewinner Madison Anne Moak, daughter of Dwayne and Dana Moak.
Age 7-8 category winners included first place winnerLeigh-Taylor Smith, daughter of Shane and Robyn Smith; second placewinner Isabella Renee Porter, daughter of Lee and Kelly Porter; andthird place winner Grace Elizabeth Piper, daughter of Michael andBethany Piper.
Age 9-12 category winners included first place winner TaylorBrooke Berch, daughter of Leighia and Nathan Grayson and JeremyBerch; second place winner Shayla Blaine McGuffee, daughter ofTracy Case; and third place winner Savanna Faith Dunaway, daughterof Danny and Ginnie Dunaway.
Age 13-16 category winners included first place winner ChynnaLouise Coghlan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chad Coghlan; second placewinner Khloe King, daughter of Alicia Thompson and Brad King; andthird place winner Shelby Katelyn Wallace, daughter of Scotty andGail Wallace and Kyrk and Missy Smith.
The Lions’ Beauty Pageant is the largest fundraiser of theBrookhaven Lions Club. All money is used for the betterment of thecommunity through the club’s projects, including Mississippi LionsEye Bank, the hearing impaired program, the Lions’ Mobile SightScreening, its diabetes awareness program and many other serviceprojects.