Test results awaited in June slaying
Published 5:00 am Friday, July 10, 2009
Almost a month after Mike Delaughter was found with a gunshotwound to the head in a field where he had been working, authoritiesare still awaiting test results to help in solving the crime.
“We’re still waiting on tests from the crime lab,” said LincolnCounty Chief Deputy Johnny Hall. “We collected DNA andfingerprints, and we’re waiting on the results to come back.”
Delaughter, 58, of East Lincoln Road, was found shot in a fieldoff Bogue Chitto Road on June 14. Officials said he had beencutting hay for the landowner earlier that weekend, and could havebeen in the field for as long as two days.
Delaughter’s truck was reported missing at first, since it wasnot found at the scene where his body was laying face up by a groveof bushes. A day later, investigators found it hidden in some treesacross a large clearing which was a good distance from the originalcrime scene. This led them to believe the truck had been movedafter Delaughter was killed.
The Mississippi Crime Lab sent a team down the day afterDelaughter was found to fingerprint and process the truck for anyother evidence that might have been left in it.
Sheriff Steve Rushing has said the case has some good suspects,but that what the crime lab sends back will play an crucial role inturning the momentum of the investigation.
Hall said it is always frustrating when test results arepending, but in the meantime sheriff’s department investigatorshave talked to several witnesses and are narrowing a field ofsuspects.
“We’ve talked to at least a half a dozen witnesses,” Hallsaid.
Officials said the motive for Delaughter’s shooting is stillunknown. But Hall appealed to the public for any information thatmight be circulating.
“If anyone out there knows anything about this homicide, justbecause you think it’s small, it might be big to us,” he said.”Please call us.”
Callers with information can reach the Lincoln County Sheriff’sDepartment at 601-833-5231, or anonymous tips can be left withLincoln County Crimestoppers at 601-823-0150.