Incumbent mayor draws winning number in tiebreaker

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 8, 2009

BUDE – A tied vote in the race for mayor was settled Fridaynight when incumbent Earl Case reached into a hat and came out withthe winning number in a simple tiebreaker held three days afterlast Tuesday’s municipal election.

Case said the drawing, which is the method of tiebreakingdesignated by state law, was held between himself and an appointedrepresentative for challenger Arthur-Mac Littleton – whom Case saidrefused to participate – before approximately 30 witnesses Fridaynight. With both drawers attempting to get closest to 10, Case drewan eight, while Littleton’s appointed participant drew only atwo.

“I’m glad this election thing is over,” Case said Saturday.”Myself and the board of aldermen, we’ve got a lot of things in theworks that I just didn’t want to roll over and hand to somebodyelse.”

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Case said he will continue working on several important grantopportunities for the town, especially a pair of grants for sewerimprovements and town planning. He said the planning grant wouldgive Bude officials guidance in attempting to upgrade the town’santiquated water system.

“Our water system is old, you know, and it’s needing a lot ofattention in certain areas,” he said.

Case added that he and Bude officials are now waiting to see”what’s going to happen.” When the mayor’s race ended in a tie with144 votes for each candidate, Littleton stated his intention tochallenge the results after alleging election commissionersmishandled affidavit ballots. Littleton could not be reached forcomment Saturday.

Littleton’s plan to challenge the results could not have goneforward without Friday night’s drawing, Case said.

“We called the (Mississippi) Secretary of State’s office, andthey said right now, nobody’s a winner, nobody’s a loser,” he said.”We have to have a winner and a loser to move forward.”

Though there could be more activity pending for the Budeelection, for now Case is satisfied to be named the winner.

“Right now, I’m fishing and enjoying myself,” he said Saturdaynight.