Sports memorabilia auction to help leukemia patient
Published 5:00 am Thursday, March 26, 2009
“Team Felder,” a group who joined forces to raise funds for4-year-old Felder Sartin’s Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, is putting onthe full-court press at the Brookhaven Recreation Department onApril 3.
Sartin’s father, Gareth Sartin, is a coach at Bogue Chitto HighSchool, and his mother, Jessica Wallace Sartin, was an athleteduring her time at Bogue Chitto High, so what better way to keep upthe attack on Felder’s leukemia than with a sports auction?
Organizer Denise Leggett said the idea popped up one day afterFelder was first diagnosed with the disease and a man in thecommunity said he could get something with former NFL quarterbackand Alcorn State University alumnus Steve McNair’s autograph toraffle off.
“So I thought, ‘I wonder if I could get more stuff donated.’ SoI called and e-mailed around and ended up with more pro athletesand a really good turnout,” she said. “So we set up a sportsmemorabilia auction.”
The silent auction will be held starting at 6:30 p.m. at therecreation department, and will feature memorabilia from suchgreats as NFL quarterbacks Eli Manning and Drew Brees, baseballHall of Famer Nolan Ryan, NASCAR driver Dale Earnhart Jr. and manyothers.
“Bill Sones called yesterday with a Johnny Bench ball; he’s ahall of famer for the Cincinnati Reds,” she said. “The oldermemorabilia is rarer, it’s harder to find those things.”
Leggett said in order to be ensured access to the auction, steakand chicken plates are being sold for $25 for adults and $10 forchildren, which counts the dinner and admission to the auction. Thedeadline is Friday, March 27 to buy tickets, Leggett said.
And so far, the fundraisers for Felder have exceededexpectations, Leggett said. Organizers of the sports auction hopeit will do the same.
“It’s been unreal,” she said. “People talk about the economy,but it’s been a true blessing how many in Bogue Chitto andBrookhaven and the business community have been doing their part tohelp.”
Anyone interested in information on the sports auction or steakand chicken plates can contact Leggett at 601-757-6769 or601-734-2737.