W. H. ‘Shag’ Pyron
Published 5:00 am Monday, March 23, 2009
Services for W.H. “Shag” Pyron, of Hazlehurst, are 2 p.m.Tuesday, March 24, at Hazlehurst United Methodist Church withburial in Felder’s Methodist Campground in Summit.
Visitation is Monday from 4 until 7 p.m. at Stringer FamilyFuneral Home in Hazlehurst.
Mr. Pyron, 79, died March 22, 2009, in Hazlehurst. He was bornin Yazoo City to Townsend Hemphill Pyron and Allie LathamPyron.
He graduated from Greenwood High School and received a fullscholarship to play football for Mississippi State University as adefensive tackle from 1948 – 1951. He earned an “M” letter eachyear he played for the Bulldogs and was selected an All-SECdefensive tackle in 1951. He graduated with a business degree fromMississippi State in 1952. He was drafted by the Chicago Cardinalsin 1952 and played in the Canadian League.
His love for football led him to south Mississippi where he wasthe line coach at Southwest Mississippi Junior College and laterbecame the head football coach at Hazlehurst High School. It waswhile he was coaching at Hazlehurst, Shag met and married his wifeof 53 years, Carlene Freiler. After his coaching years, he workedfor Stribling Puckett as a heavy equipment sales representative andlater served as highway commissioner for the southern district ofthe State of Mississippi from 1967 to 1979. Up until his death hejoined his sons in the timber business and ran the Brookhavenoffice of Copiah Forest Products Inc.
He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church inHazlehurst for 55 years. He was ordained and installed as a deaconof the church on June 29, 1969. He also served as a member of theHazlehurst School Board. He was a loyal supporter of his almamater, Mississippi State University, and devoted much time toencouraging numerous young athletes. He was a loving husband,father and grandfather and most definitely a friend to all.
Preceding him in death were his parents; and a sisters, EffieElizabeth Lewis.
Survivors are his loving wife, Carlene Freiler Pyron; his sons,William Freiler Pyron and wife, Bethany, of Jackson, Robert CraigPyron and wife, Courtney, of Crystal Springs, and John Carl Pyronand wife, Johna, of Hazlehurst; and his eight grandchildren, Ali,Emily, Rob, Mary Landrum, Elizabeth, Colter, Amanda and Latham.
Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church in Hazlehurstand to the W.H. ”Shag” Pyron Memorial Fund c/o The Bulldog Club,Mississippi State University, P.O. Box 5327, Mississippi State, MS39762.