Ward 2 sees another seek alderman post
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 16, 2009
While qualifying deadlines are drawing ever nearer and still twoaldermen have yet to declare their intentions, another hopeful hasentered the race for the Ward Two city post.
Democrat Vernastine Byrd, of 618 East Cherokee St, qualifiedthis past week to run for Ward Two alderman. So far, Byrd’scompetition is fellow Democrat Idella Sanders, who entered the racein the first week.
While Ward Two Alderman Terry Bates and Ward Five Alderman D.W.Maxwell have yet to submit qualifying statements of intent for anyseat in the election, every other incumbent in city elections hasqualified.
The lone exception is Mayor Bob Massengill. Massengill opted notto run again, saying he has enjoyed his time in service to the citybut that he was ready to spend more time with his family.
City Clerk Mike Jinks said having no incumbent mayor in the racecould lead other qualifiers to want to wait until last minute tosee who might be running for what offices.
Other election qualifiers to date include:
Mayor: The Rev. Jerry Wilson, D, and Alderman at Large LesBumgarner, I
City Clerk: Mike Jinks, D
Police Chief: Incumbent Arlustra “Pap” Henderson, D
Alderman At Large: L. Ralph Smith, D, Terry Pappas, R, and KarenSullivan, I
Ward One Alderman: Incumbent Dorsey Cameron and Elisa Corley,both Democrats
Ward Three Alderman: Incumbent Mary Wilson, D, RooseveltCollins, D, and Brian Moore, R
Ward Four Alderman: Incumbent Shirley Estes, R, Asem Zeini, R,and David Smith, I
Ward Five Alderman: Fletcher Grice, R
Ward Six Alderman: Incumbent David Phillips, I, and RobertKenny, D
The qualifying deadline is Friday, March 6, with the primaryelections to take place May 5. The general election will be heldJune 2.