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Man killed by train

Baby dies 7 months after incident

Published 6:00 am Monday, November 24, 2008

Seven months to the day after the incident that left herintubated and under hospice care, infant A’Keira Hooks died Fridaymorning, Lincoln County officials said.

Hooks, 7 months, was 2 weeks old when she was injured after hermother, Shay Hooks of Brookhaven, and Curtney Gayten, 25, of BogueChitto were involved in a domestic dispute. The altercationresulted in Gayten’s taking the child to a nearby private pond andsubmerging her in the water.

Lincoln County Deputy Coroner Robert Tyler said the child waspronounced dead at her home at 900 Williams St. around 9 a.m.Friday. He said the death is being investigated.

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“There are still some things pending on it,” he said.

When a Lincoln County sheriff’s deputy arrived at the incidenton April 21, Gayten was holding the baby under water. Officialssaid Gayten leveled a gun at the officer, who witnesses say toldhim to come out of the water and drop the weapon. When Gaytenrefused, the deputy fired and killed the suspect.

The child was recovered from the pond during an underwatersearch by rescue workers. Two deputies began CPR and chestcompressions and were able to restore the baby’s breathing andpulse before the ambulance arrived.

Hooks was transported to the University of Mississippi MedicalCenter, where she spent several weeks in the Intensive CareUnit.

Williams Mortuary will be handling arrangements, which areincomplete.