Voters to decide course of change
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday brings us a historic day in the history of these UnitedStates. It also brings us polarization of the electorate, which toois of historic proportions. Tuesday will either bring us our firstblack president or our first female vice president.
Regardless of the outcome, Tuesday’s vote signals a changing ofthe landscape from the politics of the past to the politics of thefuture. For many in the World War II and the baby boomergenerations, it is an uncomfortable change. For women and blacks,it is an exciting change – one that some thought they might neversee. For younger voters, it is a change that reflects optimism to ageneration that has grown up on economic excesses and individualismin an ever-changing world.
Recently we have been watching the movie series “John Adams.” Itis adapted from the book written by David McCullough documentingthe birthing of this nation and the Herculean efforts that becamethe bedrock of the rights and liberties we enjoy today. Thehistoric biography chronicles the struggle from the eyes of thenation’s second president, how with George Washington and ThomasJefferson and others he helped shape the emergence of thisnation.
The brilliance of these founding fathers was their common senseeffort in crafting and shaping of the U.S. Constitution thatestablishes the three separate branches of government – theExecutive, the Legislative and the Judicial.
It is that balance of power that provides the checks andbalances, which allows our government to survive and succeed. Wemay not always agree with what is happening in Washington, but weall can rest assured by the stability the Constitution delivers toour country.
However, as we have seen in our history when a single politicalparty dominates any two of the three branches, problems result. Agrowing concern is the potential for a national Democraticcongressional sweep, one that allows a filibuster-proof Congress.Such a solid majority stymies debate in both the House and Senate.It spelled disaster for the Bush administration when Republicanshad it and it will spell disaster for an Obama administrationshould he win and Democrats receive it.
Mississippians would be wise to keep that in mind when voting inraces for Congress.
In one Senate race, we have Democrat Eric Fleming hoping tounseat longtime Republican Thad Cochran. Lincoln County put Cochranover the top 1972 and has supported Cochran throughout his career.The senator is a strong supporter of our area and his seniority inthe Senate gives our state the needed leverage a small state likeMississippi cannot afford to lose.
In a special election to fill the unexpired term of Sen. TrentLott, a tiresome and negative race between appointed RepublicanSen. Roger Wicker and his Democratic challenger, former Gov. RonnieMusgrove, is thankfully coming to a close. Musgrove has apparentlysnubbed Lincoln County, as he is yet to make an appearance. Wickeron the other hand has visited the area on numerous occasions. Thatissue alone should tell local voters whom to support.
In the race to fill the slot of retiring congressman ChipPickering, Republican Gregg Harper is hands down more qualifiedcandidate in the race over his Democrat challenger Joel Gill.Harper has the potential to be a leader for Mississippi in the moldof some very influential Mississippians that include John Eastland,John Stennis, Lott and Cochran.
Elsewhere on the ballot will be a very important MississippiSupreme Court race between incumbent Justice Oliver Diaz andchancery court judge Randy Pierce. While the race is not allowed tobe partisan – it is – with Diaz supported by Democrats and Piercesupported by Republicans.
As for the presidential race, McCain’s campaign has stumbled andObama’s has soared. A proven leader McCain is, but his campaign hasbeen confounded by mistakes and missteps. Obama on the other handhas run a perfectly orchestrated one that has painted McCain into acorner while voters ignore Obama’s extremely liberal beliefs.
The world has changed and so must the country. The twocandidates promote such change – one just more drastic than theother. Adams, Jefferson and Washington laid the groundwork of thiscountry’s success with their genius in the power balance. OnTuesday voters will decide if that balance is to the extreme leftor more to the center.
Write to Bill Jacobs at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven MS 39602,or send e-mail to