Two juveniles arrested in graffiti incident

Published 5:00 am Friday, October 24, 2008

Two arrests have been made in the case of some graffiti in analley in downtown Brookhaven, Police Chief Pap Henderson saidFriday.

Two male juveniles, one 17 years old and one 15 years old, werecharged with malicious mischief Thursday night, Henderson said. Thechief said other arrests are possible in the ongoinginvestigation.

Phrases like, “Atrol (sic) ate my pancakes” and “Jesus saves,”in addition to graffiti referencing “ZCRS” and other messages aboutlove and respect had been popping up over a period of about a monthin the alley behind businesses fronting Monticello Street, SouthJackson Street and West Cherokee Street.

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Henderson said leads came in through Crimestoppers that led tothe apprehension of the two teens.

“The investigation is not over with,” Henderson said. “Therewill be more arrests made on this.”

Henderson said the two boys attend area schools, but he couldnot divulge which ones. The boys were charged and released into thecustody of their parents.

“We talked to them with their parents last night, and they admitto some of it,” Henderson said. “They say there are parts that theydidn’t do, however.”

While speculation flew in the community about whether thevandals were affiliated with a particular group or school,Henderson said the graffiti does appear to have originated with aspecific social group. However, he said the art is notgang-related.

The vandals admitted that some of the spray-painting was doneduring daylight hours, as well, Henderson said. BPD officers hadbeen conducting focused patrols nightly in the area and had notcaught any of the vandals previously.

Since the investigation continues, Henderson said authoritieswould still welcome any calls from the public.

“If you have information on these crimes, please continue tocall us,” he said. “We know there are others involved in thissituation.”

A $1,000 reward is available through the Lincoln CountyCrimestoppers for information leading to the apprehension andconviction of certain crimes, and anonymous tips can be left on theCrimestoppers line at (601) 823-0150. Meanwhile, Henderson saidanyone with information can also notify the Brookhaven PoliceDepartment at (601) 833-2424.