Downtown group conducting survey on parking issues
Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 28, 2008
Members of a local citizens’ group are doing what they can tomake their voices heard in the downtown parking debate.
The Brookhaven Downtown Association, a group of concernedbusinesses and residents in the area, have put together a shortpoll with three basic questions for respondees to fill out. Theresults of the poll will be presented to the board of aldermen atthe Sept. 2 meeting.
“Kind of as a normal function of the downtown association, thesuggestion was made that maybe we should informally ask themembership about their feelings about the parking situation,” saidJay Perkins, one of the founding members of the association.
The questions are simply pinpointing how much of a parkingproblem citizens actually believe there is in the downtown area,Perkins said. Parking and possible solutions have been a subject ofdiscussion at several aldermen meetings recently, with somedowntown business owners feeling there need to be guidelines onwhere people can park.
Those arguing that there is a problem with the amount ofavailable parking in the downtown area say crowded conditions couldturn away potential business. Others say the parking situation isnot a problem and that sometimes shoppers will just need to walk alittle farther to get to where they want to shop.
Perkins said the Brookhaven Downtown Association just wants toget a finger on the actual sentiments of the majority of the groupand present its findings to the aldermen to consider as they pondera solution.
“It’s just real informal,” said Perkins, who said it wasinitially just sent out to members of the association who hadsubmitted e-mail addresses. “We were mainly just trying to providethe board with a general feeling of how the people downtown feel toget ideas to help guide their decision.”
Mayor Bob Massengill said he was not previously aware of thepoll, but that he looks forward to hearing the feedback.
“I really couldn’t comment on it until I hear their findings,”he said.
Perkins said the online poll was just a quick and easy way toget feedback and keep it organized.
“Our whole purpose is just to gather information in an easyform, so we can say ‘Here are the suggestions that our membersfound,'” he said. “I guess we’re really trying to determine ifthere is actually a problem, as well.”
Perkins called the poll part of the “information-gatheringstage,” saying that the association members wanted to make surethat whatever the situation, the voices of the downtown businessowners and residents are a part of the discussion.
“I think that we’ve just decided we’ll get the information tothe aldermen and they can make a better decision with the input ofthe citizens,” he said.
Perkins said anyone who wants to take part in the survey cane-mail the Brookhaven Downtown Association He said by mentioning a desire totake the survey in the subject line, the link will be sent.
“We’ll be happy to have them fill it out,” he said. “We’re justlooking to gather the information and help however we can.”