SAP plans luncheon to honor state’s mayors

Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 8, 2008

Leaders of a local charity organization are proud to host a daycelebrating city officials for the second year in a row.

Serving All People’s Gwen Smith said the second annual Mayors’Luncheon will be held May 30 at the Old Capitol Inn in downtownJackson, but that the brainstorming for the event was doneexclusively in Brookhaven by the local charity organization.

“We want to recognize the mayors of the state for theircontributions and their efforts to their cities,” she said. “Wealso want to celebrate their tireless and dedicated services to thestate of Mississippi.”

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Gov. Haley Barbour will be the keynote speaker the day of theluncheon. Smith said state senator and Canton alderman Kenny WayneJones will also address the distinguished group.

So far there are expected to be 50 city leaders in attendance.Smith said the mayors have been asked to bring guests as well.

“We will have their guests and two students from the communitywhich we ask them to choose if they would like,” Smith said.

Many other key state officials have been helping with theorganization process for the event, which will also have live musicthis year, Smith said.

“A lot of senators and representatives are helping us with theluncheon for the mayors,” she said.

And anyone who wants to attend to celebrate their city leader isinvited, as tickets are available for $50 each. Smith said ServingAll People would like to have as many people as possible inattendance for the sake of the mayors who give so much time andenergy to their jobs.

“It’s important to encourage them because with all the thingsgoing on, they need a time of encouragement and appreciation, atime they can relax and enjoy themselves,” she said.

Serving All People is a Brookhaven-based charity organizationdedicated to bringing harmony to the community, Smith said.

“We’re a non-profit organization and our mission is to worktoward the understanding, respect and support of all people withoutdiscrimination,” she said.

Tickets for anyone else who might want to attend the Mayors’Luncheon are still available. Smith may be contacted at (601)754-7736 for more details.