Hodges leads Brookhaven over McComb
Published 5:00 am Friday, March 28, 2008
MCCOMB — Senior pitcher Terri Hodges fanned 12 batters andwalked one Thursday night to help the Brookhaven Lady Pantherfastpitch softball team to a 10-0 division win over the McComb LadyTigers.
The losing hurler was Megan Coney with 1 strikeout and nowalks.
Brookhaven will hosts a tournament Saturday.
Hodges also led the Lady Panthers at the plate with 2 double anda single. Casie Risher singled twice. Doubling was Addie Case.Hitting safely were Hannah Lowman, Katie Stewart, SabrinaDelaughter, Stevie Wright and Bianna Ashmore.
Annie Antigues led the Lady Tigers with a single.
Junior varsity action
McComb knocked off Brookhaven 6-4 in the JV action.
Kamey Creel was the winning hurler, fanning 4 batters andwalking 2. Brooke Hosick took the loss with 6 strikeouts and 8walks.
At the plate, Madeline Delaughter led the Lady Panthers with atriple. Sarah Ayers singled.
McComb got 2 singles from Chelsea Cannon. Emily Cothern hitsafely.