Obituaries for Friday, March 7, 2008
Published 5:00 am Monday, March 10, 2008
Ellis Carol Bledsoe
Services for Ellis Carol Bledsoe, of Brookhaven, are 2 p.m.Monday, March 10, at Greenwood M.B. Church with burial in CarverHeights Cemetery.
Visitation is Sunday from 1 until 6 p.m. at WilliamsMortuary.
Mr. Bledsoe, 58, died March 4, 2008, at his residence. He wasborn on Sept. 5, 1949, to Ellis Bledsoe and Johnny AlmaBledsoe.
Mr. Bledsoe, a 1969 graduate of Alexander High School, wasretired.
Preceding him in death were his parents; a brother, FreddieBledsoe; and a grandson, Marcus Antwain Bledsoe.
Survivors include his wife of 38 years, Bobbie Bledsoe, ofBrookhaven; his sons, Cornelius Bledsoe, of Brookhaven, and EllisC. Bledsoe Jr., of Birmingham, Ala.; his brothers, Benjamin Bledsoeand Billy Bledsoe, both of Brookhaven; his grandson, CorneliusDontray Bledsoe, of Brookhaven; and many other relatives andfriends.
Ada E. Conerly
Services for Ada E. Conerly, of Jackson, are 10 a.m. Saturday,March 8, at Capps Funeral Home Chapel in Tylertown with burial inRowley Cemetery in the Darbun Community.
Visitation is Saturday from 8 until 10 a.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Conerly, 75, died Wednesday, March 5, at CentralMississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
She was born in Marion County on July 17, 1932, to WalterCleveland Mulford and Nettie Dunaway Mulford.
She was retired.
She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband,Walter Conerly.
Survivors include two daughters, Pattie Haguewood, of Purvis,and Nancy Boone, of Brookhaven; two sons, Ronnie Conerly, ofBrandon, and Billy Conerly, of Springhill, La.; 10 grandchildren;six great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews and otherrelatives.
Joseph Micheal Gilbert
Services for Joseph Micheal Gilbert, of Meadville, were held at10 a.m. on Friday, March 7, at Marshall Funeral Home Chapel in Budewith burial in Pilgrim Rest Cemetery on Highway 98 in FranklinCounty.
Mr. Gilbert, 66, died March 5, 2008, at Southwest MississippiRegional Medical Center. He was born in Jefferson County on May 22,1941, to Johnny “Jack” Gilbert and Eva Gilbert.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his sisters, MarieGilbert and JoAnn Conners; and his brothers, Ben Gilbert and RudyGilbert.
Survivors are his loving wife, Joyce Gilbert, of Meadville; hissons, Michael Gilbert, of Bude, and Rusty Gilbert, of Meadville;his brothers, Charles Gilbert, of Appling, Ga., Johnny Ray Gilbert,of Blue Ridge, Ga., Bob Gilbert, of Homer, La., Laray Gilbert, ofKennesaw, Ga., and Sadie Gilbert, of Winnsboro; his threegrandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives andfriends.
Boyd Henry Hudson
Services for Boyd Henry Hudson, of Union Church, will be held at2 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at Union Church Baptist Church inJefferson County with burial in McBride Cemetery in JeffersonCounty. The Revs. M.R. Bradley and Trent Bilbo will officiate.Organist will be Ruby Buie; pianist will be Becky Lowery; andvocalists will be Dale Little and Sarah Beth Pritchard. BrookhavenFuneral Home on Natchez Drive is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Friday from 5 until 8 p.m. at the funeral home,and on Saturday at the church from 1 p.m. until the time of theservice.
Mr. Hudson, 80, died March 5, 2008, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. He was born in McBride on March 11, 1927, to Joseph B.Hudson and Fannie Smith Hudson.
He was a retired printer with Rocky Mountain News. He was amember of Union Church Baptist Church and served as a deacon there.He was a member of the John A. Galbreath Lodge No. 0334, a Mason, aShriner and a member of the Eastern Star (The Builders Chapter No.354). He was Past Master of the Berkeley Lodge in Denver, Colo.,and a member of the American Legion. He was a United States ArmyAir Corps veteran of World War II.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his first wife, TwylaHunsaker Hudson; a son, Terry Eudell Hudson; and a brother, EdwardMadison Hudson.
Survivors are his wife, Erlene Pritchard Hudson, of UnionChurch; his sons, Boyd Duane Hudson, of Brookhaven, and VincentHudson, of Denver; his daughter, Patty Hudson Hartman, ofBrookhaven; his stepson, David Edward Pritchard, of Houston, Texas;his stepdaughters, Dana Pritchard Perkins, of Nashville, Tenn.,Rebecca Pritchard Lowery, of Wesson, and Susan Pritchard Gibson, ofRosedale; his brothers, J.B. Hudson, of Searcy, Ark., Cornie E.Hudson, of Natchez, and John Paul Hudson, of LaSalle, Colo.; hissisters, Frances Hudson Barrett, of Monroe, La., Sylvia Bowman, ofSpokane, Wash., Margie Stephens, of Coushatta, La., and AnnetteGiordano, of Harrison, Tenn.; his 20 grandchildren and sixgreat-grandchildren.