Robert W. Copsy

Published 6:00 am Friday, February 8, 2008

Services for Robert W. Copsy, of Bogue Chitto, are 11 a.m.Saturday, Feb. 9, at Community Family Funeral Services Chapelfollowed by a full military service conducted by the MississippiHonor Guard at Arlington Baptist Church Cemetery in BogueChitto.

Visitation is Friday from 5 until 8 p.m. at the funeralhome.

Mr. Copsy, 78, died Feb. 5, 2008, at his residence. He was bornon May 2, 1929, to Walter and Mary Copsy.

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He retired from the United States Army as Chief Warrant Officer,where he received the Bronze Star; the National Defense ServiceMedal; The Good Conduct Medal and Clasp, Bronze, 5 Loops; Republicof Vietnam Campaign Medal; and Vietnam Service Medal, SecondClass.

He was preceded in death by his parents; a granddaughter; and astepgrandson.

Survivors include his wife, Frances Copsy, of Bogue Chitto; hissons, Tony Copsy, of Bogue Chitto, Mark Copsy, of New Orleans, La.,Ronald Whittington, of Bogue Chitto, and Paul Gibson, of Paris,Ill.; his daughters, Dorothy Anzalda, of New York, Brenda Wood, ofOklahoma City, Okla., and Cathy Ellis, of Moody, Texas; hisbrother, Don Copsy, of Ridgefarm, Ill.; his sisters, Becky Simpson,of Seattle, Wash., and Frances Kingen, of Tilton, Ill.; 16grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.