Frankie Alford Boutwell Standingwater

Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 29, 2007

Services for Frankie Alford Boutwell Standingwater, ofMonticello, are 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28, at Wilson Funeral HomeChapel in Monticello with burial in the Carmel Baptist ChurchCemetery.

Visitation is Tuesday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeralhome.

Mrs. Standingwater, 93, died Nov. 25, 2007, at Lawrence CountyHospital. She was born on July 4, 1914, to Frank Alford and PearlDurdan Alford.

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She was a homemaker and a member of Powells Grove PentecostalChurch.

Preceding her in death were her parents; her husbands, CliftonBoutwell and Johnnie Standingwater; two sons, Robbie and DannyBoutwell; three brothers and three sisters.

Survivors include her sons, Clifton Boutwell, of Van Cleave,Edward Boutwell, Jerry Boutwell and Terry Boutwell, all ofMonticello, and Ronnie Boutwell, of Fullerton, Calif.; herdaughters, Diane Calcote and Linda Harper, both of Jayess; twodaughters-in-law, Brenda Boutwell and Mona Boutwell; 26grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren; and 13great-great-grandchildren.