Participants, audience top off Sunday with first Hat Parade
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The area’s finest hats converged on the State Room Sundayafternoon in a hat fashion show sponsored by Brookhaven’s DeborahChapter 81.
Between interpretive praise dances given by Brianna Dodd andShabrell Williams, both men and women adorned the catwalk in theirfancy headgear and Sunday best.
The hats ranged from old-style bowlers to headgear fitting forChurchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Saturday.
“This is just a great chance to get together and do somethingnew,” said Glenda Chatman, who wore a large purple hat with anelegant white ensemble. She said the fellowship is a large part ofthe fun.
According to chapter associate matron Annie Frances Hudson, thefaith organization got together to come up with a way to raisefunds to make some much-needed repairs to their facility. The “hatparade” as they called it was the brainchild of their efforts.
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