City sees first sales tax totals from annexation
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 18, 2007
While August’s sales tax numbers were positive in several ways,Brookhaven officials were a little underwhelmed with the firstcheck to include collections from businesses in the city’sannexation area.
At $409,513.42, Brookhaven’s share of sales tax collections lastmonth was up a little more than $8,000 from the August 2006 totalof $401,265.09, according to Mississippi Tax Commission statistics.The check that arrived Monday represented August tax collections onsales made in July, which was the first month the city’s annexationwas in effect.
Mayor Bob Massengill and City Clerk Mike Jinks expressed adesire that August totals would have been a bit better.
“He and I both thought it might have been a little higher thanthat,” Jinks said.
The city budget anticipates receiving $380,000 a month in salestax revenue. August’s total easily surpassed that amount.
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